Chapter 1

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People normally kill themselves for loads of reasons

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People normally kill themselves for loads of reasons.

Roman O'Connor though?

He just had one, actually, make them two.

"Aren't you gonna invite us in?"

God not this again.

Roman gulped. Anxiety kicked when he saw Koslov and his four lapdogs standing in the hallway of his cheap getaway motel. "How'd you, uh—how'd you guys find me?"

"You called your boyfriend from a landline in Schenectady—easy to trace." One of the younger guys standing in the back supplied, as though being helpful. What was his name again—Anatoly?

"Oh I'm glad you did, because I just came into easy 20 G's, my uncle, the one with diabetes finally died so my inheritance kicked in sooner than expected and I want to pay you some of the money I owe."

Koslov's face contorted upon processing Roman's words. "Is that so?"

"Yeah," Roman quickly nodded. "I'll get it to you first thing tomorrow morning when I cloak in the cheque."

The room was way too silent, at this point you could practically hear someone's heartbeat. And that someone no doubt Roman—heart racing 120 miles a minute.

"In the meantime," Roman added with borrowed confidence. "You guys can just hang around for a bit, care for some drinks?"

"See, Roman. You fool me once, shame on me." With a fixed glare, Koslov's square jaw ticked. "You fool me twice, I fuck you up."

Roman let out a nervous chuckle. "I don't think that's how the saying goes."

"Shut up!" Koslov's voice echoed, silencing both Roman and a passersby talking on the phone.

"Do it."

"Whoa, whoa."  Roman's hands flew in the air, waving frenziedly like a complete nutter. "It?  W-what do you mean by it?"

"Take his balls!"

Roman felt stupid thinking he'd gotten rid of these guys a long time ago. Too bad Koslov was not the only loan shark hunting him down. He owed a hell lot of people, most of them dangerous and he had no idea how he was going to get out of all his debts—alive.

"Now you're just being unreasonable, Koslov."

"Unreasonable is disappearing with my 26 grand after begging me to help you."

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