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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>Ancient Plane Merchant>Chapter 5 005

Chapter 5 005

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter..Chapter 4 004Next Chapter..Chapter 6 006

When Mo Qianqian didn't hide the rabbits she "hunted", she had already thought that the people in the village would definitely react, but what she didn't expect was that the reaction would be so big.

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand, let alone a mouthful of meat now, it is difficult to eat a mouthful of food.

Thinking about the little abacus in his heart, Ning Xiaoxi basically greeted these villagers who came to the door with a smile, and at the same time, when there were many people, he was afraid of scaring the two little guys, so Mo Qianqian directly let them go back to the house, and then dealt with these people in the compound himself.

Some people have seen the rabbit in the bamboo basket, and after confirming it, they look at Mo Qian, but they don't know how to open their mouths all of a sudden.

In the end, it was Mo Qian's first mouth.

"Uncles, aunts, uncles, do you have anything to ask me?"

Seeing that Mo Qianqian opened his mouth, someone immediately hesitated, "Qianqian, how did you catch this rabbit?"

"Didn't I mention that I set some traps yesterday when I was carrying water? I didn't expect to see two rabbits in the trap when I went today. When he said that, Mo Qianqian was also very happy.

"Is the place where you set the trap far away? How do you set the trap? As soon as he heard Mo Qian's words, the eyes of the people in the entire compound lit up.

"It is to dig a pit, put sharpened bamboo in it, if there is a condition, you can put some food in it, and then make a small knot with a rope, after setting up a trap, cover it with some branches and leaves, and make a simple mark next to it to prevent people from falling." Mo explained simply.

Hearing this, the villagers who were listening around secretly wrote it down.

At this time, someone spoke, "Shallow, didn't you say that you saw the footprints of the mother insect?" Hearing

this, the compound suddenly became noisy, mother big worm! If so, is there still a life?

Mo Qianqian thought for a while and said, "There are indeed footprints of the mother insect, but I haven't encountered them when I went during the day, and I won't go anymore where I encounter the footprints of the mother insect."

"I know this, I heard a hunter say that female insects like to live alone, they all have their own territory, and they like to be nocturnal." At this time, one of the villagers immediately added Mo Qian's statement.

This time, the discussion in the audience became even more intense.

At this moment, a person came in a hurry outside the door.

Seeing this person, the villagers immediately shouted, "Village chief."

As soon as he heard this title, Mo Qianqian also paid attention to it, according to his memory, if he goes out in the future, he will go out or something, it will be a certificate from the village, which is called "Lu Yin" here, and where does this proof come from, it is naturally the village chief who comes forward here.

In addition, some major events in the village are decided by the elders of the older generation.

In general, what you want to do in this era is inseparable from the land that raised you.

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