17. Dear Father

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A larger replica of me is the perfect description of my father. I inherited almost everything from my father.

He puts out his arms and I embrace the warmth.

"W-Woah...you've become a different person." He pats my back.

"It's been a year," I say.

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"It's fine..."

My father pulls away and gets me a bottle of beer. "Come. Your mother is asleep."

I sigh. "Haha..."

I get two small cups and my father pours the beer. He holds the cup up.


One shot down burns my throat. "Ugh..."

Right, this is my first time drinking alcohol in this life.

"One shot in your first cup? Have you been drinking?"

"Ngh...no...it burns. This is my first time."

"The way you drink reminds me of a drunkard. I have a close friend who always drinks after a battle to honour those who died, he has the same posture as you."

...Of course, I was an alcohol addict in my first life.


My father and I catch up with each other as we slowly drink our worries away.

"Why are you up so late?" I ask.

"Why else? To see you. Besides, a master swordsman can blow our physical fatigue away! That's how I became a commander."

"I see."


My father gulps beer and sighs. "Anyways, I heard some rumours that an unaffiliated commoner is taking part in the grand tournament of Akatski Academy. Sounds familiar?"

"Yeah, that's me."


"I won't object to it but..." He looks at me eye to eye. "Tell me, will you regret your decision?"

"No. I am firm on the path I take."

My father smiles. "That's all I need. I will support you all the way."

I return the smile. "Thank you."

"Alright alright. Let's do some light spar to sober up." My father gets up.

"This late?"

"Hurts nobody if we move a distance from the cabin. Besides, I can tell you are not tired."


As we leave deeper into the woods with our weapons, my father says "Odd, how did you grow this strong?"

He stops at an empty patch and raises his sword at my face. "Tell me. Who are you? Where is my son?!"


"Loi Krist," I reply.

"My son a year ago didn't have aura yet your aura is not any weaker than mine."

"Dad, why are you acting like this?" I ask.

"The Loi I know is an immature child. The person in front of me is someone who went through thick and thin."

Damn it! What do I do now?


"Fine. If it calms you down, let's fight." I deflect my father's sword and jump in.

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