𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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➷。 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞

𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

"You are such a liar Connor!" Madi groans from her spot at the lunch table.

Connor's family had insisted on a final lunch date together before I boarded my flight to return to Michigan later this afternoon.

Over the past week I've learned a lot about the Bedard family, especially the siblings' love of arguing with one another.

Madi and Connor constantly bicker, and most of the time I know Madi is doing it just to get under her younger brother's skin.

It's honestly endearing how close they all are, and it has definitely made me miss my own family while away.

"I'm not lying Madi, you just refuse to accept the fact that I'm better," Connor sighs from his spot at the table to the right of me.

"You are so brave, I honestly just don't know what you see in him," the older blonde whispers from my left.

I can sense Connor's annoyance so I of course play along smirking, "I don't know either. I may need a vacation from this vacation."

Connor pinches my right thigh where his hand previously rested. I pop his hand in return, "stop bullying me and your sister."

He goes to say something in return but I give him a pointed look and his words die before he can get them out, "my bad."

Melanie and Tom share amused glances from across the table.

"So you're at Michigan with your brother right?" Tom asks.

"Yes sir. I'm a freshman" I reply easily admiring how easy it is to speak with both of Connor's parents.

"Have you decided what you're going to do yet sweetie?" Melanie adds to the conversation.

The sip of water slides down my throat easily before replying, "right now I just plan on getting my bachelors in accounting, but I'm thinking about going to law school after to become a tax lawyer. I haven't fully decided yet though."

"Oh wow, that's a wonderful profession to get into," his mom gushes.

"I guess I've always just been more of a number person throughout school so it's the only thing that really interested me, as boring as it sounds," I finish with a small laugh.

"It's not boring. If it's what you love to do, then that's all that matters," Connor assured me. He really is such a sweetheart, and it's obvious that Melanie and Tom did a wonderful job when raising him and his sister.

"Yeah I guess you're right," I give him a small smile in return, "it's usually just Rutger and his friends that mess with me for it, yet they're all like sports management majors so they can't really talk."

"Don't let some dumb hockey players ruin your dreams girl," Tom laughs "they're the ones that'll be begging you to do their taxes in a few years."

I laugh along with him "that's very true, and they won't be getting a discount from me."

"That's my girl," Connor grins squeezing my knee.

My girl.

Yeah I could get used to that.

🩰 💌 🎀

It was hours later. We'd finished lunch and headed back to the Bedard house to relax and enjoy our last few hours hours together before Connor would drive me back to the airport.

Now it was time for the unfortunate drive. I just finished my goodbyes to the rest of his family along with a few happy tears shared with Madi, who had quickly become my best girl friend.

I would miss his family over the next month even though we promised to catch up at the world juniors tournament.

And of course, I'd miss Connor the most.

Spending this week with him had been a dream. Exploring his hometown had been fun and I was able to pick up on all of his small quirks in person that made him, him.

He was so attentive, caring, and an absolute sweetheart. So much so that I don't think I'd ever been around a guy that paid so much attention to me other than my twin.

And now we'd be separated. Of course I'd see him in a month at the tournament, yet we wouldn't be able to spend time together like we had been for the last week since he'll be so busy playing games and practicing on off days.

But Connor was always on the go, and I know that after the upcoming draft next summer he'd be a little more "permanent."

Maybe he'd stay close to home or maybe he'd even be in the states.

But no matter what does happen in the future, I know that I'll be proud of him. He's obviously an amazing player on the ice, but over the last few months I've witnessed what a great human he really is.

𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 | connor bedard Where stories live. Discover now