Chapter 3

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(John Dory's Thoughts from last night) 

I was so close. Twice at that. I had the opportunity to hold her hand twice yet I couldn't man up and do it. But...I did get a hug and gosh, she's a really good hugger. In the span of two days I feel as if we've gotten a tad closer, regardless of  if that was our first time meeting. Thanks to whatever Floyd said to convince her to let me join her and Floyd on that walk, I'm where I'm at now. I just wonder if I'm coming off too strong or if I should really just let her gravitate towards me. She's just so beautiful, and wonderful, she smells like vanilla and cocoa. and her baking is absolute heaven. I have to do something for her in return...I must make destiny

(Ophelia's POV)

" So this is lovee~ hmmm...So This is loveee~" I hummed the tune as I sat in front of my vanity, combing through my hair. The memories of the night before replaying in my head like a broken record. My childhood crush rising to my surface once again. Except this time it felt deeper. Being near him makes me feel like a little girl again. Getting all giddish and acting awkward. But then again...I notice the little things he does when around me. His ears and eyes are more expressive around me rather than around his brothers. He tends to gravitate towards me or wants to be around me. Maybe I'm overthinking this and maybe he just wants to get to know me more so that we could become great friends in the future...

"Oh who am I kidding...John Dory is a musical sensation...he'd never fall for me..."
"I knew it!" Poppy jumped out of the shadows of my room pointing a finger at me. I jumped, startled, gripping my chest. "Poppy! You have Got to stop appearing out of no where. You're gonna give someone a heart attack one day." 

" Sorry, I couldn't help but hear your singing as I did my daily rounds with Branch." I looked around wondering if Branch was also hiding somewhere. " I told Branch to go on without me so no need to worry about him. It's just you and me, so you can tell me anything that you need to let out...Anything." She stood there and smiled. I returned the smile. Poppy always had good intentions when it came to this sort of thing, but how was I supposed to just openly admit to something that I wasn't even sure about.

" Poppy..." I paused, sighing " Thank you for being so welcoming to me. Honestly, It's really nice having a friend to talk to about something like this. I don't even know how I really feel about him yet. All I know is that I had a crush on him as a child but..." 

" Having him here this close to you, it's bringing back all of those childhood feelings that you had for him, but you're not even sure if it's really a crush or just a phase huh?" Poppy finished for me. I nodded my head and she gave way to a soft sigh. " It's okay, I completely understand. Well, actually, I think branch would understand more but I get what you're saying. So let's say that said bro finds out that you like him, and he asks why. What would you say? Let's start there. Once you hear your response maybe that'll help you decide if you truly like him." Poppy suggested. At first I was taken aback by the suggestion, but then I understood what she was trying to do.

I took a deep breath and began. " Well, For starters I would say that...I like him because of the way he's attentive in our conversations, how his ears perk up when he hears me and how expressive his eyes get when he sees me. I enjoy our little conversations that we have when it's just the two of us, even if it's just a simple hello or goodbye. I love your smile, I've liked it since I first seen it as a young teen...and now I enjoy seeing it in person." I stop, looing at Poppy to see her expression. "That's what I would tell him If he found out that I liked him"

She placed her hand over her heart. " Ophelia, I never knew you could talk like that. I always just assumed you weren't a romantic. But now, I know for sure that you are." I grabbed a ponytail holder, Placing my hair up into a ponytail, leaving out a few strands for design. Poppy grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my pod, yet again. " C'mon...we're going to go to Bruce, you're gonna tell him who you like and I'm sure that he can help you. After all he is the heart throb" Before I could get a word in Poppy was already off and running to Rhonda. 
Once we made it she knocked on the door. Clay opened it unexpectedly but it was better than it being John Dory. " Hey Clay! Is Bruce in here? I know he left the bunker early this morning."

"Oh yeah, he's here. Come in" Clay stepped out of the way to let us in. I rolled my eyes and followed after Poppy. My heart sank to my stomach once I saw John Dory. His eyes lit up when he saw me and a small smile formed on my face. "Bruce! Thank goodness. Okay, so Ophelia has like a huge crush on...a guy...and we" I stopped her

" You " I corrected. " I was hoping that you could help her with her feelings some more, seeing as you're the heart throb." Poppy continued. Bruce smiled and bounced his eye brows. " So, Who's the lucky guy?" Bruce, Clay, Floyd and John Dory all looked this way. I just froze. Words couldn't form and my mouth went dry. " I....uhm...I" Was all I could sputter out. My cheeks turned a shade of red and I semi-ran out of Rhonda, Poppy following after. " Woah, Woah. What's wrong? I thought this would help...wait- Is Bruce who you like!?" 

" No Poppy...Not him..." 
" Clay-"
" No...No. It's not Clay, Bruce, Branch or Floyd..."
"If it's none of them then that leaves..." She gasped, cupping my face in her hands, a huge smile forming at his lips, her eyes lit up and it almost looked as if she were going to explode...or implode from excitement. 

" John Dory! "

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