Chapter 1

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Margaret Carter paced up and down the rooms of her ancestral home.The portrait of her great grandfather widely grinned at her.She was impatient to get a call from her interviewer.

When he did finally call,she had a wide smile on her face."Miss Carter,you have been nominated for the final interview.You may visit the office tomorrow."

"Still an interview?",wondered Margaret as she put the phone down.She had to be prepared for it.

Next day,after the interview,Margaret was nervous for the final selection.The interviewer came and got ready to announce the results."So the new CEO of the NSDO is...",he looked at the nervous,scared faces of all the nominees,"...Miss Margaret Carter."

Margaret was over the moon.She got to work from next day.She had been busy all morning, signing documents.

Margaret was the only child of her parents,and had moved to New York from Pennsylvania,in search of a job.
She was lucky to have got the job of the CEO of the NSDO,which is the National Scientific Development Organisation.

Her phone rang.
"Margaret Carter at this end.How can I help you?"
"Miss Carter,I would like to contribute some of my recent observations for your research on extraterrestrial creatures.I had a UFO sighting yesterday......"
Margaret noted all the important points.

Keeping the receiver down,she sighed and called out to her assistant. "Caroline,can you please get me a glass of water"

It was quite late when Margaret left the office.She had taken a few blueprints with her,so that she could study them at home.

She didn't have access to any vehicles and thought that it was unnecessary to book a cab.Hence,she walked home through the shortcut route,she had discovered the previous day.

After taking a few steps,there was a flash of light.Within a few seconds,there was man before her.A girl dressed in all black,hair in a little ponytail,pointed a gun at his head."Admit your mistake and I spare your life,fat head!",she instructed in a rough voice.The man fell at her feet and begged for his life almost immediately.

The girl pulled him by his hair and pushed him aside."Great! Now the next thing you gonna do is,go back home,shove this knife up your ass...",she threw a knife at him,"...and beg your wife for forgiveness."

She pulled him by his collar and pointed the gun at his gonads."And remember.If you don't do all of this, my boys are gonna shoot you.Also,if you lay your filthy hands on your wife ever again,I'mma shoot at your dick,so that you can't rape her. Got it,fat head?!"

The man nodded with folded hands and the girl pushed him aside.As the man ran away,the girl ordered, "Boys,after him.If he doesn't follow,shoot him."

A minimum of five boys emerged from the bushes and ran after the man.

The girl slid the gun in her jeans pocket.Margaret stared wide eyed,scared.The girl looked at her and smirked as she disappeared into the bushes.

"Who is this shithole??", questioned Margaret to herself.

Margaret got her daily newspaper.


Mr.Oswin does after inserting a knife into his anus. Reasons to do this are still unknown.

Mrs.Oswin also exposes the dark secret of her husband. He used to constantly abuse her and maritally rape her. She showed us the wounds and bruises she got from him,just yesterday.

She also reports to have seen a group of people dressed in all black,run after her husband. She suspects them to be 'The  Masked Saviours' ,as she had spotted the female leader of the gang.

Margaret folded the paper and kept it inside her drawer.She laughed,"The Masked Saviours? That's quite a dope name."
Caroline ,who was drinking tea, sitting on the couch,asked,"Who suicides by inserting a knife into their anus?That is weird,painful and stupid."

Margaret replied,"Yeah.But it was necessary or else he would've abused Mrs.Oswin even more." She took up her cup of tea."What about the research, Caroline?"

"Um-Er...Nah.Nothing new."

Margaret packed up her things and left the office quite late. 11.00 pm. God knew what she had to witness today.

No.Nothing new.Everthing was okay.Just as she was thinking all this,a bush behind her moved. She turned around with a scared look.It was just a cat.

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