Scars some visible some not

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Part two to the previous chapter: "Otousan, Okaasan".

TW! Trigger Warnings!

-Mental trauma

-Physical scars after a traumatic event

-Mentions of rape

:Adult; Child


:Adult; Child

-Mentions of abuse

:Child Abuse; Domestic Abuse

-Forced childbearing

-Forced childbirth

-Forced pregnancy

-Mentions of: Death; Torture; Decapitation; Gore; Organs; Organ harvesting; Blood; Murder

-Sexual Assault

-Quirk Use

-Mentions that a child knows what rape is but unaware is occurring to them due to it being from parents/family



Once again, this is not a chat-fic, an actual story chapter that happened in the past 4-6 years ago, but towards the end it will be the present (future). Hitoshi is 8-10 years of age in this chapter at the beginning but about 14 towards the end when it's the present (future). Hitoshi angst and trauma. But this one has some DADZAWA and some PAPAMIC fluff towards the end! So, hope you forgive me because of that, love you all. <3


"What are you looking for?"

Hitoshi's blood ran cold, and his body and breathing came to a halt.

The words that he dreaded he would hear, in this situation, in this time.

Hitoshi eyes were wide as he turned around, looking towards the one who asked him the question. There it was. The large figure, it's shadow illuming the small closet with darkness, as the open closet door let dull light peak in. It had a tall, lanky frame. 6ft tall up close about. Definitely taller then mother, a bit taller then father perhaps. Hitoshi was starting to notice things he couldn't from the past safety of the closet from before hand. It didn't look like anything he had seen before in his life, ever. It had long, skinny hands, which were followed up by long, abnormally skinny arms, obviously lacking muscle and body-fat. It had a small head, no visible hair anywhere on it's tall un-nerving figure. It's legs were no different, really long, quite skinny, bone being visible from the mass encasing its body.

Oh right, there was a black goop tightly hugging the body, somehow allowing the thing in the middle of it to presumably breathe, and have the ability to talk, and possibly see. Hitoshi doesn't understand, if there's an actual human being trapped or willing in the mass goop, or, if it's just...goop. Perhaps if there is a human in there, the goop is eating it's nutrients or taking its flesh and blood, because it looked really skinny. And that's coming from a skinny child himself. Another thing to wonder if the human is doing it willing, wanting this, or if the monster is doing this without the humans knowing or wants. So many questions, no answers. At all.

Both of them were just 'starring' at each other, Hitoshi looking wide-eyed at the creature, and the creature, presumably just looking at him, if possible, that is. Hitoshi turned his body to face the creature, and he slowly backed up. In response, the creature went forward. This cycle continued until Hitoshi felt something hit his back, of course, he ran out of room. He hit the wall, he couldn't go back any further.

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