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"Have a great day and be a good girl, okay?" My dad says, looking down at me with those eyes.

"Yeah, bye, bye!" I wave my hand, grinning at him. His eyes follow the movement of my small hand. Well, my hand is very small in front of my Dad's hand.

He smiles back and kisses my forehead. My eyes close for a brief moment before the touch leaves and he gets back into the car, passing me one last smile.

I sigh once the car leaves and walk through the broad stoned pathway that leads to the grand building of my school.

The scent of fresh green leaves meets my senses as I breathe deeply, walking as I hold the straps of my red princess backpack.

On the way, my classmates and those who are not even my classmates greet me. They hover around me like moths, telling me silly things while I enjoy receiving attention.

I deserve it and I know it. After all, I am the brightest student in the school and everybody wants to be my friend.

Flipping my pigtail behind my shoulder, I look straight with my head raised high, and there, my eyes fall upon that particular boy.


Yeah, I have given that name to a boy. Because he has blond hair and blue eyes which I despise very much.

My eyes are the most beautiful, nobody else can take more compliments than me. Not even this Blondie!

But he gets many compliments because of his eyes. They are bright blue. Like the summer sky. They are big and even his eyelashes are long. Oh, I was so jealous of him that you can't even measure the extent. That is why I don't like his eyes.

And about this Blondie, when I look at him, something very lovely clicks in my mind and I smirk to myself.

Out of my insane habit, I jog to him, ignoring all the students around me. They call my name but I pay no attention to them.

"Hey, Blondie!" I tap his shoulder from behind.

His friend, with whom he was talking, now passes me a sweet smile. I roll my eyes to Blondie, giving him my sugary smile which is two hundred percent fake.

"What?" He asks, giving me a bored look. How dare he?

Even though I wish to grab his face and make him speak nicely to me because no one has yet dared to do that to me, I control myself.

Not so early in the morning, Mikayla. You have an entire day to annoy him.

"You see, everybody tries to get my attention and impress me," I begin, pushing away his friend so that I stand right in front of him, being so proud of my height because I stand longer than him.

Huh, shortie!

I'm younger than him yet taller.

"So what?" He steps back, creating distance between us. Of course, do it. I myself do not like being standing so close to you. It is just this itch inside that I want to relieve by annoying you.

"You should do the same."

He squints his bright blue eyes, looking annoyed. Easy, peasy, lemon, squeezy. It was so easy! It does not take a moment to annoy him and I love doing that. My heart is at peace. What a beginning of an amazing day.

"And why should I do that?" He slants his head and a few of his blond locks fall over his forehead. He taps his foot on the dark path and I am well aware of his friend's gaze upon us.

Love Me, MikaylaWhere stories live. Discover now