Chapter 6:Family Breakfast

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There was a moment of silence before a hand nudged a redhead figure awake. The feeling of tiredness overcomes the said figure. He did not want to wake up yet and desired to take a rest for the whole day. But of course, life is a bitch.

With a little bit of difficulty, Cale sat up on his bed. He has not completely woken up from his slumber quite yet. Everything in sight was a blur, he brought his right hand up to his eye. The redhead slightly rubbed them to rid of his obscure sight. The motion made was adorable.

Once he was able to see everything clearly, Cale looked to his left where his butler was. He had a cute frown on his face with an inquiring look. Cale was sure that he had woken up earlier than usual, as he had developed a habit of waking up at a specific time, which caused Ron to stop waking him up.

The butler saw the questioning gaze of his young master and quickly got to the point. "The Master wishes for the Young Master to dine together. Lady Violan and Young Master Basen are already there and are waiting for Young Master to arrive." Ron said with a terrifyingly benign smile.

'What a vicious old man' Cale thought in his head, he decided to try to never get on this man's nerves. He hummed in response to the report made. "Prepare my bath and clothes." The redhead ordered in his indifferent facade. Deep inside he was reflecting on what he said, had he been too disrespectful? He hoped not as it might lead to his death.

Thankfully, Ron didn't seem to mind and did his work diligently and efficiently. Soon the bath was prepared and he was guided to enter. The hot steam from the water filled the room and it made the redhead feel less tense. Truly, baths are wonderful. But he did not have enough time to enjoy and relax as he was already late for the first breakfast together with his father in a while. He quickly cleaned himself and got dressed with the help of Ron.

As soon as he was finished putting on his clothes, he and Ron quickly left his room with the butler leading the way. The servants once again started gossiping right in front of his face while sending a look of pity. Cale rolled his eyes inwardly and just ignored all of them.

They had finally arrived in front of a door leading to the dining room. "I will now open the door," Ron informed his Young Master to which he received a nod. He opened the door and there Cale saw his father and his new family. He entered and then bowed.

"I apologize for being late." He said without an ounce of emotion. Deruth was seated at the end of the table that was far from the entrance. To his right was the seat occupied by the new Countess, Violan. And to the left of his father was his little brother, Basen. There were no eating utensils on the other seats except for the seat at the other end of the long table. He could guess that was where he was supposed to sit.

Cale waited for his father's signal for him to sit. It took a few seconds before Deruth was able to speak and to be frank, he only did because Violan nudged him. "It is alright, take a seat." The Count motioned to the seat directly in front of him. Cale did as he was told and sat down with a statement. "Yes, Father"

In front of him was a whole feast, different types of meat and seafood were on the table. Was this even considered as a breakfast? He looked at the different dishes and noted in his mind what to eat. He hoped it was his vicious Hyung's cooking, Beacrox's cooking was the best of the best!

However, he felt uncomfortable at the intense stare he was feeling. He lifted his head to meet the gaze of the cause. But what he saw was all the brunettes in the dining table looking at him. Everyone was giving him a piercing gaze, is there something he did? As far as he knew, there was none.

He made eye contact with Deruth which the latter quickly broke. "Is there anything you need to say, Father?" Cale inquired and stopped looking at the Count. He looked down at his food, maybe even glaring, but no one noticed.

After a moment of silence, his father finally spoke up. "...There is none." What did you beat around the bush for, then? The tension in the room was quite annoying for Cale. Seriously, is there nothing to talk about? Why is everyone being so silent?

Cale sighed in his head before starting to eat. He started by tasting the steak first. He cut a piece of it before bringing it to his mouth and eating. It was delicious, it didn't taste like the usual bland instant noodles he used to eat in his past life. It was without a doubt made by Beacrox, he recognized the taste of the steak he eats for dinner.

He subconsciously smiled at the familiar taste. Apparently, it brought a great shock to his father to even drop his eating utensils. If it were not for the plate, the knife could've fallen down and potentially hurt his father. He heard a small gasp to his right, probably from Basen. But seriously, what was so shocking?

Cale's smile faltered and eventually fell but he continued to savor the tasty food in front of him. He tried different dishes as well as different fruits that were only found in this world. He hummed to himself as he was greatly satisfied by today's food. "Cale." He heard his father call, he stopped eating and looked at Deruth. He continued to stare until he finally said what he wanted.

"How was the food?" Deruth asked as a simple conversation starter. "It's wonderful" He responded, his voice devoid of any emotion and his face remained expressionless. Contrary to the description he said.

"Yes, it is delicious. It is good that you enjoyed the food." His father continued the conversation. "Mhm, yes. Please make sure to eat a lot too, Father." He replied in a respectful manner.

The breakfast ended without much of a conversation. He felt eyes on him from time to time but not as piercing as it was before. While eating earlier, he decided to spend time with his little brother for the rest of the day. One of the reasons is to prevent the bullying his cousin would do to Basen.

Seeing as no one is speaking up, Cale excused himself. "If there is nothing else to discuss, please excuse me." After receiving a nod from his father, he stood up and finally left the dining room. However, he felt a presence following him. He turned around and he saw Basen walking a few steps behind him. His little brother seemed shocked but Cale brushed it off.

"Basen." He called out softly. The said person slightly walked forward. "Yes, Hyung?" The brunette innocently asked. "Would you like to hang out with me?" Cale got straight to the point. Basen's eyes sparkled innocently, sometimes he looked a lot like a puppy. "Yes, Of course!" The brunette said excitedly. The two then started a conversation about what they should do.






I apologize for the delay! I took too much time reading yesterday and completely forgot to do the chapter. I'll try to keep updating regularly from now on! Thank you for your patience:)

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