24|Human Behaviour

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Emilia's POV

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Emilia's POV

I yawned as I forced myself to read through the mandatory thousand-page article on human behaviour.

When I first began the course, I was angry that my professors sent thirty-page articles; now I would do anything to go back to that.

To make it worse, I was having trouble concentrating after my earlier conversation with Bella. It was one in the morning but I needed to read at least half of this article because something tells me that Professor Kate is going to give a pop quiz.

What I hated most about her testing is that she made sure to cover everything. I once skipped over a short topic while studying and she tested on it.

After that day, I made sure I never skipped over anything.

I felt something rub against my feet and I immediately jumped.

When I looked down, it was Santo's scary cat. "James!"

He looked at me before attempting to rub himself on my leg again.

"Your daddy might like you but I don't," I said harshly as I raised my feet on the stool.

I was never a fan of animals and now I ended up marrying a man who loves them. This place was loaded with guard dogs too.

I took my pencil and threw it outside the kitchen. "Fetch."

My shoulder dropped while I watched the cat sit and look at me judgemnetally.

So that only works for dogs?

"Fine," I gave in and returned to my work.

After a few minutes, my vision became blurry. I was only on page 259. I need to reach at least 500 before my next class.

"Coffee," I groaned like a zombie as I took my cup and refilled it.

The front door closed before footsteps approached the kitchen.

I was so tired that I didn't care who it was.

"Emilia?" I heard Santo's voice ask and adrenaline pumped through my veins.

I hate to admit it but I had missed his voice.

"What are you still doing up?" he asked as he walked over to me.

"Studying for my degree which is apparently useless to you," I said before drinking my coffee.

"Don't worry about the things Lucia said earlier. She was probably in a bad mood."

"Lucia is the least of my worries," I made it clear. "My mafia is talking shit about me and I think I lost my best friend."

"So?" he asked as he was confused about the problem.

"What do you mean 'so', Santo? My name is being tarnished by the people whom I sacrificed myself for and now I have no friends."

He did not seem phased at all from anything I just said.

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