(Finale for Arc 2) Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise

Here is the Finale for Arc 2 then we will return to the normal storyline or present time. This chapter will be longer than usual.

Samsara: Cycle of life, death and rebirth
Daozhang: polite address for cultivators

Days have passed since the mid-autumn festival with the battle of the lanterns concluding. You explained to Xie Lian on Yingyue about how the lantern battle works. "If you have many lanterns, you win" as you said

If the lantern battles didn't exist gods wouldn't have a full on motivation to keep up on their cultivation and collecting new devotees and treating their long time devotees right. If it didn't exist then many gods who are lax on their duties would lose many followers.

Xie Lian enjoyed writing letters to you in his free time, as usual he stayed at Mount Taicang. When Mei Nianqing, his goushi, returned to the temple and heard of the events from before. He was flabbergasted.

His goushi had so much to do which includes attending court meetings, what remaining time does he have to go back to the heavens and scold you?

For now he held his emotions and only expressed his reaction, not elaborating further. He was worried so he told your gege, who was in the middle of a mission sent by Jun Wu, to immediately return to the heavens and check up on you.

Your gege's first words the moment he saw you when he was back was asking if you were alright. You assured him "I'm fine gege, by the way, how did the mission go?"

If there's one thing that Jun Wu was skilled of, it's his martial prowess. What else? The capability to rule? There's another one...it's the son and daughter diplomacy.

To keep his power stable, he used his son as a personal assassin and spy, that's why your gege always leaves the heavens. He made his daughter, you, train in becoming a powerful ruler.

Jun Wu kept his cards close to his chest. He knew every news of the realms because of his son reporting back. He didn't turn a blind eye to every heavenly official going against him due to his son who has ears and eyes everywhere.

None of the officials knew about the Heavenly Prince's daily routine other than being an errand runner for Jun Wu. When in reality it's more than just that.

You two were alone in your father's study, this room was specifically made for Jun Wu to rest midday and go through documents and reports.

"Pops made me kill that one dude, erm what's his name again?" He scratched the back of his neck "Ciao...? No wait, Xiao- hold on it was Dao..."

His funny attempt to remember names made you giggle "How many rebellious gods did papa made you kill? Must be alot for you to forget"

"Aha! Chao Cheng! Yep him!" He tsked "He was a total brute, and no it was the banished gods from the recent decades. The list was a hundred, half of them attempted to raise their power to steal our pops place"

"Chao Cheng...him!" You remembered "Hah, the motherfucking rapist is gone for good. Now Lin Jia can rest easy knowing she's safe to descend in the mortal realm"

Ever since then, Lin Jia was afraid to go down because of the possibility of meeting her rapist. Even with a disguise, there's still many possibilities, so then she asked her deputy official and Bao Huan to descend if she needed to take care of something in the mortal realm. Except for that time she had to fetch you in the palace of Xianle.

"Rapist? Phew, good thing he was first in the list. Tell your reapers to not handle his soul with care in the netherworld"

The netherworld in simple terms, was the realm of which souls are contained in. The realm of judgement where souls can be reincarnated as a human, as a ghost, or no second life at all, worse is to be detained in the prison of the netherworld which is vastly different from regular prison cells. It has the Court of the Souls where trials of one's soul is to be judged.

Heaven's Unholy ✧ Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF) x Genderfluid ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ