Chapter 14

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"Mrs Brookfield? Mrs Brookfield? Are you well?" Frederica blinked out of her daze and saw the concern in Thomas's light brown eyes.

"Yes, yes." She shifted in her seat in the drawing room. "I'm quite well, Thomas. What is the matter?"

"A Miss Julia Marlowe is here to call. Shall I send her in?"

"Yes! Yes, of course." Frederica stood up to receive her friend who breezed into the room and they hugged. "Julia, what a pleasant surprise. Come, you must meet my son." And pulled the young woman over to where William was lying down while staring out the window.

"Oh, he has the handsomest look I've ever seen!" Julia exclaimed as Frederica lifted her son out of the bassinet. Julia reached out to touch a finger to William's plump cheeks. He gurgled at her, kicking his legs in excitement and she cried out. "He's such a delightful little boy! What's his name?"

They spent several minutes fawning over William who happily drank in all the attention. "Would you like to hold him?"

Julia stared at her. "I...I'd love to but what if I drop him?"

"No, that will not happen because I will teach you how."Frederica sat Julia down and directed her to move her arms into a cradle position. "Just imagine him as a big heavy pillow," she said as she lowered William into Julia's waiting arms. "Do not stiffen your arms or shoulders. It will be uncomfortable for him, like lying on a wooden floor, and then he will cry to indicate his unhappiness and discomfort."

It took Julia but a few moments to get used to holding William. Frederica grinned at the wonder she saw on Julia's face as William waved his hands and legs. And even though his fingers became entwined in the chain of the necklace she wore and he'd tugged hard enough for Julia to let out a painful "ah!", she only gently shook her head in a bid to dislodge his grip even as Frederica leapt up to help her.

When all was well again and William back in his bassinet, Frederica said, "you will be a wonderful mother, Julia." The skeptical look thrown at her had her laughing. "It is not mere platitudes. I used to suffer from the same ideas about myself, that I wouldn't enjoy the notion of being a mother simply because it is something expected of me. I used to say that I was looked upon as nothing more than a broodmare.

"But after William was born, when I held him in my arms for the first time, something in me changed. I had to do right by this tiny person whom depended on me for everything, and there'd be nothing I couldn't sacrifice for his happiness. And I'm certain you'd do the same for your child."

Julia ducked her head in obvious embarrassment. "Thank you for the absolute faith you have in me. I will remember this day if I ever marry and have children."

"If? Is it not a matter of time before I read of the announcement of your marriage to Mr Shearing?"

Julia sent her a scolding look. "You know very well that he has neither explained himself nor properly apologised for his actions!"

"Not even last night when it was just the two of you?"

Frederica frowned at her friend's agitated head shake. It looked like an afternoon call to Shearing's residence was in order.

"Speaking of which, his lordship and you disappeared as well." Julia wiggled her eyebrows at Frederica suggestively. "Just the two of you. Did something occur between you?"

Frederica fought to maintain her composure and not let her cheeks heat in memory of her explosive reaction to Garrett's fingers. She knew she should regret her actions for it gave him an opening, a foothold in her life. But having resisted her own desires for so long, it'd been all but impossible to continue to deny herself in the face of his overwhelming hunger for her. "No. Nothing. Zero occurrences. He was the perfect gentleman and escort. Nothing happened."

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