35- sex

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ren love

i'm so sorry
forgive me

ren love
what'd you do?
should i be scared

i should never have accepted that
i didn't even take the money
i love you so bloody much
what can i do to got you to forgive

ren love

anything baby
i will get on my knees in front of
the entire school if that's what it

ren love
i just don't understand why you
would do what you did

i admit it was a bet
and i approached you at the party
because of it
but then i started getting to know
you and we were hanging out. i
found myself starting to actually
enjoy spending time around you.
i couldn't tell you when it was, but
at some point, i forgot about the
bet all together until
terrence reminded me.
and when that happened, i told
him i was done and didn't care
about the bet anymore.

ren love
were you ever going to tell me?

honestly, i don't know. i knew it
would hurt you, so i wasn't sure
how to go about it. certainly not
how you did end up finding out.
maybe after our wedding or we
had kids so we could just laugh it

ren love
you thought we would get
married and have kids?

still do
if you'll have me

ren love
it's just a lot for me
and i understand that you
developed actual feelings for
me, but you have to understand
how this feels to me. i liked you
for years and everyone knew it.
i never had a boyfriend or did
anything at all before you. i
literally told you how important
relationships and actual
connections were to me and you
never said anything. i understand
that you didn't want to hurt me,
but do you think you could've
said something to me then? like
i told you it was important to me
that i waited to have sex until it
was the right person and time
and you could've taken that
opportunity to tell me about it.
and i don't regret doing anything
with you, but it feels shitty
knowing that you probably
never would have talked to me
if they hadn't said anything.
and i'm not saying that you're a
terrible person or that i won't
forgive you, but i need more
time to sort out my emotions.
you are my first everything and
it's just hard for me.

you're right, i'm so sorry.
i'll stop trying to talk to you. just
how about you reach out and let
me know when you're ready? even
if it's to tell me that we're actually

ren love
i can do that.

i love you sweet girl.
i don't mean to make you say it
back or anything
maeve hasn't updated her phone
so i can't unsend it

ren love
i love you too teo
just need time


renpotter posted

renpotter posted

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renpotter currently having a cry on this bench

📍renpotter 📸: ginny.weasley

jamespotter who do i need to beat up?
harrypotter mattheo obviously
jamespotter are you two fighting, ren?
zoyablack does he not know?? renpotter
user oh shit

user I don't look like that when I cry wtf

p.patil at least you're a pretty crier
h.granger It's the little things

zoyablack excuse me when did this happen?!??!!?
ginny.weasley you were with maeve and he texted her

gracieblack baby🙁

user kinda awkward but where are you overalls from..?
renpotter store !

cyl333 also this is me apologising for the massive paragraphs in their texts

finnigan But you're the shit so who cares
renpotter for sure
finnigan Say it with confidence
lavbrown she's the shit

ginny.weasley give me pic creds at least
renpotter oopsies

lilyp Are you okay, sweetheart?
renpotter yup!

jamespotter is anyone going to tell me what happened with ren and mattheo?

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c speaks!

this chapter is short but you don't understand how hard it was for me to actually make her not just forgive him right away

merry christmas eve to those who celebrate!


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