Chapter XXIV - learning to dance

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"Can you dance?" I asked, thinking about how we'd probably have to do one or two later. Lucifer answered with a question of his own, "can you?"

I shook my head. "Can you teach me?" I asked, I'd rather learn now than embarras myself later. He sighed but offered me his hand. Well I didn't mean here in front of everyone. How embarrassing would that be.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into one of the smaller rooms. "Before we start, I'd like to say that I have no idea what I'm doing." I warned, staring blankly at his outstretched hands.

"You're useless" He commented stepping towards me. He pulled one of my hands up to rest on his shoulder while taking the other one in his own before pressing his other palm onto my lower back. "Just relax." He whispered, his jaw resting on the side on my head.

I take a breath and try to do as he says while he guides me along, telling me where to step.

"Sorry." I mumbled, stepping on him again.

"It's fine," he nudges my with his head as he continued, "just look at me." I did as he said, taking my eyes away from my feet to look up at him. Humming a soft melody, he pulled us to start again.

A while later, I was humming with him as we danced around the room. I was finally starting to get the hang of it and a question slipped out as I watched him. "Where did you learn to dance?"

He hummed, "you know, we'll have to dance at my wedding too."

"I think we'll be fine, since I am a natural." His smile matched mine as we continued to waltz around the room. "Want to try a twirl?" Lucifer suggested.

Sounds fun. I nodded in reply. He guided me as I twirled away from him before pulling me back into his chest with a tug. We took back our original positions and continued to waltz. "That was fun." I said, a little out of breath. Fun but tiring.

Lucifer chuckled down at me as he slowly brought us to a stop, "I think it's time for a break."

He pulled a chair from the side of the room for me to sit before pulling another one for himself. "So when are we going to hell?" I asked, curious about the details.

"Tomorrow," he started to explain as he sat down. "We'll be there for about three days" I nodded, taking in the information. I didn't think it would be so soon but it was pretty convenient. I'll just tell everyone we've decided to lengthen our vacation by a few days.

"What are the other devils like?" I couldn't help but ask. Lucifer was not at all how I had expected him to be and he's been pretty amazing. Maybe the others are like him too. I was really excited.

Lucifer was reading my thoughts and had started to frown. "There's something wrong with you." He commented, reaching over to poke my forehead.

Swatting his hand away, there was a knock on the door before it was flung open. What's the point of knocking then? I thought as we both turned to see who it was.

"There you are." My mum exclaimed as she made her way towards us, "I knew you'd be hiding somewhere."

Not letting us have the chance to object, she quickly ushered us out of the room. From the chatter floating down the hall, it was obvious that the guests had started to arrive. "She's always hiding in her room when there's a family gathering." My mum shook her head as she told Lucifer who seemed thrilled to be hearing all about it.

"Mum, I don't always hide." I tried to defend myself. All I got was an eye roll before she was bringing us around to greet everyone and for me to introduce Lucifer.

Everyone was interested in the new handsome man standing beside me and I was starting to get worried under their judging eyes. Maybe we should act a little more lovey-dovey. I spared Lucifer a glance as he shrugged.

Without needing to tell him what to do, he slides closer to me and intertwines his fingers in mine. Anything to get them to stop. I hear before he lets out an awkward chuckle to the people talking to us.

It's finally over and we take our seats just as one of the bridesmaids who is also the host for the night gets up on the small platform and gets everyone to settle down.

As she does so, she catches my eyes and beckoned me over. The ceremony was about to start and I'm suppose to be on stage, I almost forgot. "I got to go." I leaned over to tell Lucifer.

He made a little frown as I got up. "You'll be fine." I whispered, not really sure if he will be. "Maybe you should think that up here too." He scoffed as he poked at my forehead. I guess he heard me, well that's too bad then.

Good luck. I grin at him before turning to walk to the stage.

Everything else past by quickly, the ceremony, the vows and now it was time for the bouquet throwing. As the bridesmaids excitedly shuffled down the stage and gathered below, I was reluctantly pulled along. What's happening? I hear as I positioned myself further away from the stage with no intention of wanting the flowers.

It's just one of the wedding traditions. The newly wed bride throws her flowers and whichever lucky girl catches it would be the next to get married. It's actually pretty dumb.

Lucifer doesn't reply and I turn my attention to Leslie who's counting down from 3.

Once the flowers were in the air, all her friends were jumping and fighting, trying to be the one that catches it. Someone just barely touched it as it dropped right in front of me. I bent down, wanting to pick it up for whoever it was that touched it but everyone was suddenly crowding around me, congratulating me.

I blink at them, at a loss of words. Before long, everyone was cheering and so was Leslie.

I grumbled pushing my way back to the table, a bouquet of flowers in hand. Lucifer chuckled as I dragged my feet over, "I guess congratulations are in order." He was clearly amused as he eyes the flowers.

I rolled my eyes, "what congratulations."

"Maybe I should get on my knees and propose." He joked, eyeing the rings on my fingers. If he really did that, I think Mum might faint. Just the thought of it brought a giggle to my lips.

I shook my head, handing over the bouquet to him. What a troublesome thing.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows. "What?" I asked. He chuckled as he looked around, "it kind of looks like you just proposed to me." I follow his gaze and glance around too, we were at the centre of attention.

I let out a scoff, "well don't just leave me hanging." I looked back at him expectantly. "I think tears of joys would be good." I teased him, holding down another giggle.

There's a glint in his eyes as he replied, flowers in hand. "I was thinking a kiss would be more appropriate." He whispered as he leaned closer, gently pressing his lips to my forehead.

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