Chapter 8: [Hunger]

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Gideons pov:

I woke up groggy after a good sleep the place I was lay was so warm and comforting. That was the first time in years that I'd slept that well and woke up not because of a nightmare but because I'd had enough sleep. When I focused my eyes, I was met with bright amber spheres which I soon recognized.

I felt bad because of how I reacted to him earlier when I realize now that he was only trying to help me. My vision seems better now than before, and I can hear that whirring sound much clearer. Suddenly I feel a hunger I had never felt before, a horrible raging hunger, that knew what it wanted when I didn't. My stomach started making sounds that alerted Amber, an expression akin to confusion fell upon his face as he tried to discern the cause.

How does one tell an alien that you're hungry?

I wriggled in amber's grasp to be set down on the floor but was met with firm resistance. I tried shouting at him but only gurgles and growls were made. Although I couldn't speak it seemed as though Amber understood my point as he let me go and placed me on the floor as I'd hoped.

Once I was free, I moved over to the travel cot and clambered into it, my body didn't hurt much anymore so it wasn't too difficult. Although I landed on my feet rather smoothly, I still woke little red from his peaceful slumber. Walking over to the two bowls in the cot I took a sip from the one with the water in it and then grabbed the empty one.

First, I threw it over the side of the cot then I rescaled the cot walls to retrieve it. I placed the bowl in front of Amber pointing first a him then the bowl then myself. All the while Amber just sat there watching my little antics as I navigated his oversized room.

I repeated the process of pointing between us and the bowl, but he still only stared at me. Frustrated with the situation I let out a loud animalistic snarl neither of us were expecting, I saw him flinch as I huffed walking away and sitting by the door. I decided that I was going to scratch the door until he decided to open it. There must be food somewhere in this place, I just had to go find it.

He finally got up after what seemed like an hour with how hungry I was even though it was only about 10 minutes in reality. He opened the door and went to try picking me up which just led to me dashing away on all fours I stood a distance away from the door and yipped at little red to come too.

Once we were all out of the room me and little red started trying to sniff out some food. Little red had nothing but my nose could smell something. I started running in the direction the smell was coming from all while Amber was chasing and shouting after me. I didn't understand his language, but I can guess it was something along the line of "stop... wait.... come back...."

I will not stop until I find this food.

Several corridors later and we arrived at a large set of double doors Amber arrives last, a bit out of breath from all the running and sharp turns. I gurgled at him to open the door which he does after a bit of mild convincing from the both of us and a moment to catch his breath.

The opening of the door revealed a large canteen style room and oh my god the smell was heavenly. I have no idea what they had cooking, but hell did it make my mouth water. I started to scope out the room me and little red going in different directions.

I found a door that led to the kitchen, there were aliens everywhere with all sorts of eye colors. Warm tones and cool tones wore different uniforms that must have something to do with gender maybe. I walked further in and spotted a plate with a huge chunk of meat on it.

I climbed the drawers and perched myself up on the countertop before swiping the plate and moving to sit in one of the emptier cabinets to devour my new find. My teeth sunk into the meat with a satisfying squelch it was rare and as the blood and juices flowed into my mouth my desire to devour it even stronger. The meat was bigger than my head, yet I finished it in a few minutes.

Despite all the chaos in the kitchen my entire focus was on the meat and the meat alone. Once id finished with my meal, I was still hungry though I couldn't understand how I could be after eating that whole chunk of meat but here I was wanting to get more.

I peeked my head out of the cabinet to check to see if the coast was clear but just as I did so I was grabbed by my jumper and lifted into the air. I yelped and tried to struggle but, then noticed how far off the ground I was and went deathly still. Slowly I turned to see who my captor was, bright yellow eyes met mine and I started to yip for little red.

Suddenly a flash of red fur was seen dashing through the kitchen in a blur he ran at my captor and clamped down hard on his leg. Amber came crashing through the door after the other alien let out a loud shout. He was franticly trying to get little red off of the chef and the chef off of me.

Then I panicked as I swung around, I twisted in my clothes and latched onto the chefs arm sinking my teeth deep into his wrist. I must have injured him as he let go of my clothes and launched me towards Amber.

I closed my eyes and curled up bracing for impact while silently praying Amber would prevent my fall.

Hello guys I know you've been waiting for this alllllll week and here it is xxx

Happy new years 

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