A Letter for You:

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A letter for Kimiro:

It was my first time receiving a flower. I appreciated it a lot and it will always remain protected in my room. I am thankful for those times I spent with you. I am thankful for the questions I've been longing to hear. I am happy to see you changing. You may not know but I noticed it. Thank you for your help, the advice, and the letters you gave me. I will cherish them.

A letter for Ezra:

You're one of those people I'm glad I met. You and Angel are the only people I can confide in. I can express myself more freely without fear of being judged, and I will always appreciate you giving me your stories that you rarely tell anyone else. You never made me feel excluded, which is something I could never ask for. It's more than enough, and I appreciate it.

A letter for Kim:

I feel at ease in your presence. Despite my taking a break from everything and not being in contact with everyone for a bit, you were there to ask about my day. When things didn't go well that July, you were the only one I talked to. Thank you for spending time with me. I shall be eternally grateful to your company. 

A letter to April:

I know you never meant to hurt me. But I will admit I hated you. It didn't last long, though. But I will always remember your kindness, the laughter we shared whenever we hang out, the stories that are told, and the moments I feel safe in your company. 

I know you're doing well now. I'm glad you did. To be honest, most of the poems I made were about you. I hope you don't mind me changing your name to your birth month. I was inspired to learn a lot more because of you. You serve as a role model and I want to achieve great things just like you. I am still glad that I met you. 

Your character gives the impression that you are the antagonist, yet you are not. I hope you understand that I wrote this narrative from my perspective and with you in mind. I'll never know what your thoughts are on this, but it doesn't matter.

I will never forget you, April. Thank you for everything. You will always earn my respect. 

A letter to Cleo:

Hi. Magseselos na naman ‘to. Charot. Uhm. There are no words to describe how grateful and pleased I feel. You made me feel as though I deserved to be loved and cherished. Your efforts have been recognized, and I sincerely appreciate you. I hope to keep more memories with you and I hope to remind yourself that I am always here. 

You have someone to share your joys and sorrows with. You have won my trust and respect, and I will always cherish the times we spent together. 

A letter to Max:

You stayed those times that I wanted to disappear. You were there in silence. But your presence comforted me more than words that went unspoken. I know we aren't as close or as outspoken as we once were, but I want you to know that I am so grateful that I met someone who understood me, cared about me, and is rooting for me. I'm really proud of you because I can see you're finally doing well. I'm not sure if I understand the entire context or if it's true. But I notice the sound of your laughter, the weird movements and dances, the way you recite on class, you are gradually getting out of your comfort zone and I will always remain proud.

I am always here, Max. Let this be your reminder that even if life is slowly losing its colors around your world, you have me. I am here and you can count on me, anytime.

A letter to Emjae:

It's been a while since we last talked. I am forgetting how your voice sounds like but my phone has still pictures of you, photos of us. I love how you see the world even if it doesn't make sense anymore. You still see the good in things, even the good in bad. You influenced me to face the world with an open mind and a holistic approach.  

I hope you're doing well. I really hope you're achieving greater things now. You were the only person I've ever felt close to that you almost knew me because you are my listener. You were the reason I wrote this story. It's fine if we don't meet again. I am still glad I spent my senior high school years doing things that are foolish yet fun. I admired your courage for making it through and I am so proud of you.

You may never be able to read this. But I want you to know that you were a wonderful experience. My favorite person. Thank you, Emjae. I hope for you to be happier and I hope I will never hear a thing from you again.

A letter to Kiara:

You considered quitting, but you didn't. You made it all the way to the end. And I'm sure you'll face even more difficult and terrible challenges. But I hope you will not give up us. This story, also your journal, is a reminder of all the things you did. You made it, you lived. I am extremely proud of you. 

Even if the world has lost its senses, read this book. I hope this helps you heal and face your issues with courage and empathy. You are aware of who you are. You've always been gentle, sweet, and considerate. Please never, ever change. Change only what hurts you; never change who you are just because of what hurts you. 

You are stronger than this. You are not someone who can be replaced. You are somebody important. Never forget that.

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