Chapter thirty

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I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Hmmm, I guess I will come back and edit it if I feel like changing it! 

Anyways, here it is! Enjoy! 

NickyMb <3


“What happened?!”

I lean against Julio’s bedroom door and sigh. Mia, who was on the other side of the phone call, doesn’t wait for me to answer. Instead I hear her reach for something, most likely her brothers keys, and then a door shutting.

“You don’t even have to say anything. I am on my way to get you.”

I bring my hand to my temple and start to rub circles, the beginning of a headache blooming. When Julio woke me up, by tickling me with a feather no doubt, I knew I had to call Mia as soon as possible.

The whole time I was worried about what would happen. What if she moved back in with Aiden? I didn’t want to ask her to move back in with her mom for the rest of break because I had nowhere to go. I let out my breath, dropping my hand.

I was so lost right now. I had no home to go too, my sister has no idea I have left, and my mother hated me. The headache I was fearing finally sets in and I want nothing more than to throw back a thing of advil and sleep forever.

But, I wasn’t one to run away from my problems. I knew I needed to address the problem head on and figure it out the best way I could. And right now that was asking Mia if I could stay with her.

“Uh, Mia?” I suddenly start, closing my eyes.

“Yeah Kelsey?”

“Theres no need to come and get me. I already have my car and I’m, um, not home.”

Even though no ones here to see it, I blush. Last nights events come rushing back and it takes all my will not to smile and hurl at the same time.

No, I didn’t regret it. At all. What I was worried about is what if last night meant more to me than it did for him? I know I’m falling in love with him. I care about him more than I think I have anyone before and that scares the living hell out of me.

Last night I gave a part of me I could never get back. I opened myself up to him and told him everything about me. Everything from my deepest secrets to what I was scared of.

Even if he didn’t know it, he could seriously hurt me if he wanted too. All he had to do was tell me last night was a mistake, or that he didn’t want to see me anymore, and everything I have worked for, all those months of guarding my heart, would be for nothing.

I know Julio wouldn’t hurt me initially, he has told me as much, but what if I was willing to actually make something out of this? What if he wasn’t? Was I being naive to think he was falling in love with me too?

Thankfully Mia pulls me out of my inner monologue before it could get too far ahead. “What do you mean you are not home?”

Her voice has suddenly gotten quite. I open my eyes and move away from the door. I go to my bag that was sitting on Julio’s bed and start to go through my stuff.

“I might be at Julio’s.” I start, pulling out a jacket. Even if it was warm in Julio’s house, the cold outside was giving the heat a run for it’s money.

Yeah, welcome to Michigan.

“What do you mean ‘might’? It’s not like you sleep walked there!” Before I can talk, I hear her gasp on the other line. I already know what she is going to say before she says it.

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