Chapter 12

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Beep! Beep!
I smack my alarm clock, ending the irritating noise. I glance over, rubbing my eyes. 6:15, the clock reads. Is it worth it to get up this early, with the sole purpose of hanging up election posters around school? Probably not, but it's too late now. With the election only a week away, I need to spread my campaign message around the school. I throw the sheets off me and get up sluggishly. I check my phone, but no new texts, not even from Noah. Then I exchange my boxers for jeans and a T-shirt, and I stare into the mirror as I slip my contacts in. My hair is a mess, but I can't be bothered to comb it. The comb rarely works anyways. After a quick breakfast and goodbyes, for once, I'm the first to leave. I pop my headphones in and begin my walk.
When I pass the courtyard, it's empty, and I continue past it to the office doors where the secretary buzzes me in. I see Tara, holding all my posters, her curls messily thrown about, as if she's just woken up (which she probably has). After chatting for a little, we split up, with her taking the second floor, and me taking the first floor. As I move from hallway to hallway, taping the posters on any open wall space I can find, I notice something. Or, more accurately, I notice the absence of something. My posters are the only ones that adorn the walls. There's not a single poster campaigning for Noah in sight.
All through 3rd period, I can barely focus. My mind is on Noah, and what I'm supposed to say to him when I see him next period.
"Beck, I called on you!" I hear Mr. Garcia say.
"Oh, umm, can you repeat the question?" I say, embarrassed.
"How did Chapter 13 end?" he repeats, clearly annoyed.
"Oh, with Teddy being invited to Telluride, even though Beatrice was unsure" I reply, thankful that I've done the reading.
"Correct," Mr. Garcia replies, a little surprised.
He resumes the lesson, but my mind still stays on Noah.
By the time science has started, my heart is pounding. Noah slides into his seat, but when I lean over to say something, Mrs. Bodér interrupts.
"Stand up!" she calls loudly. "Move to the back of the room. I've decided to switch up the seats, due to some problematic behavior from a couple of you."
I roll my eyes. I hate when teachers switch seats just because some of the boys talk too much.
She slowly calls names, pointing to which desk each person is assigned to. When she calls Noah's name, I watch as he walks over to his new desk at the front of the room. When my name is called, I'm hopeful that maybe I'll at least be near Noah, but she points to a desk in the back corner, and my heart sinks.
When we all move out to the courtyard for lunch, I can't wait any longer. I promise myself that I will talk to Noah and that I'm going to be okay no matter what he says. All that matters is that we'll have talked. I push through the crowds of people rushing to get to their seats and friends, trying to find Noah. I finally see him, but this time Annoying Jock #1 and #2 aren't at his table.
"Noah!" I call out to him, but I'm cut off by the loudspeaker as the principal makes an announcement.
"Attention Sophomores! As we are all aware, the class presidential election is next week! However, I have some very important news. One of the two remaining candidates for President, Noah Ackerman, has dropped out of the race. Therefore, by default, congratulations are due to Beck Murphy, your new Sophomore Class President!"

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