What price for your Soul?

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(Days go by, and the pirates leave Angelique alone. They still had her scrub the deck and serve them food and drink...but none of them touched her. Not because none of them wanted to, but because night and day they watched the sea, for each pirate wondered when the Dutchman might come calling for their souls. Angelique passes out bowls of hot stew to the crew, who mutter a thank you and go about their duties. Angelique was glad not to be fondled, or kissed and fucked by them for a change. She goes to Blackbeard's quarters and knocks on the door. Blackbeard growls an answer. She opens the door and carries in his tray of food. Blackbeard stands over his desk looking at a map.)

"I've brought you your dinner, Captain

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"I've brought you your dinner, Captain."

"What do ye know about the Dutchman?

"Nothing. I've never even heard of it. Why do you ask?"

"It may be my imagination...but trouble seems to follow thee, girl. Your Uncle made ye his Queen...and his kingdom froze over. I've had ye on my ship for a few months now, and it seems like trouble be coming again. I've been tracking the sightings of the green flash...and they appear to be heading our direction. So I'll ask ye again. What do you know about the Dutchman and its Captain?"

"I told you...nothing. I've never heard stories about any Dutchman or its Captain."

"Hmmm...lived a pampered life in that wee kingdom of yours did ye? All that pampering flew out the window when ye rode your Uncle's cock."

"I don't have to explain my actions to you. I did what I did so that my Uncle wouldn't send my parents to the head men's block!"

(Laughs)"Your Uncle got a reputation in many kingdoms in many lands with women. Out of the few I've seen though...you're the only one he actually stayed with. I guess it be because ye be a buxom lass. The others...he merely fucked them and left. After he secretly let their husbands know of their betrayal, of course. He's made his fair share and more thru blackmail."

"I shouldn't have so freely given myself to him...but I didn't know it was him!"

(Laughs)"Ye be a big breasted lass...but ye must think me for a fool. It may be true that he tricked ye...hell he's tricked and lied his way into many womans beds...but you...you chose to stay with him, even after he revealed his treachery. Enjoyed his cock...did ye?"

"Yes. To my shame...yes. Will there be anything else, Captain?"

"Yes. Stay and dine with me. For dessert...I want to fuck you...hard."

"Your crew seems to be avoiding me. They act scared. Yet you're not?"

"They fear that the Dutchman be coming for their souls."

"That doesn't bother you?"

"Aye...but if I'm gonna serve a 100 years on the Dutchman, I'm gonna go out knowing I fucked ye sore! Now silence your prattling tongue, and eat. It's gonna be a long night lass."

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