Chapter 5

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The following Friday, I woke up to the loudest wall banging I've ever heard, synchronized with euphoric moans of pleasure. Throwing off my covers, I find myself in front of Lyndsey's bedroom door, hair a mess and teeth un-brushed in my flimsy pyjama. Rapping my fist in three repetitive knocks causes a seizing silence. The door hinges creak, opening to reveal my freshly fucked sister. She is wearing a man's button-up shirt, glowing, illuminated by the sun filtering through the window behind her. Her hair is wild, her lips are red and swollen, and she looks guilty.

"Omigod, did we wake you?" Lyndsey gasps, letting out a nervous giggle.

I glare at her. "Could you be any louder?"

"Do you honestly want me to answer that?" She quickly glances over her shoulder.

"No, please don't." I try to sneak a peek at the mystery man in her bed, but she blocks my view and steps into the hallway, closing the door behind her.

I narrow my eyes at her. "Who's in there?"

Lyndsey bites her lip. "Louis."

My eyes widened, and I suppressed a laugh. "What? I thought you guys were just friends?"

Lyndsey nods, bringing her voice to a near whisper. "Yeah, we are. Jesus, Quinn, haven't you ever heard of the term friends with benefits?" She lets out a deep breath and chews on her bottom lip. "Maybe you should try it sometime. It beats the hell out of a relationship."

"When sex is involved, there is no such thing as friends," I say.

"Oh, trust me, we're friends..." She giggles. "He's the best friend my vagina's ever had." She leans closer and whispers, "I've already had four orgasms, Quinn. Four!"

When I look up, Louis is leaning in the doorway, half-naked, sporting only a pair of boxer briefs. His soft hazel eyes crinkle around the edges when he smiles a warm, seductive grin at Lyndsey's backside. Noting my gaze, she turns, beaming back at him.

"Hey, Quinn," Louis shoves his face forward and yawns. "Did we wake you?"

I nod, smiling. "Sure did."

Louis blushes. "Err...sorry about that." He glances from Lyndsey back to me. "Are you hungry? I can make you girls some breakfast."

I shake my head. "No, thanks. I'm going to grab a bite on my way to work."

Lyndsey smiles up at him, "I'd like breakfast."

"Do you like pancakes?" he asks, flicking his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Love them," she grabs Louis by the arm, tugging him back into her room. "But I'm not done with you yet." She bats her eyelashes at him, then turns and gives me a wave. "Bye, Quinn. Have a good day at work." She blows me a kiss before closing the door behind them.

When I arrive at the arena, I move quickly, heels clicking one after another, while I scarf down a blueberry muffin. I unclog myself from the elevator, round the corner, and catch a glimpse of the rink through the windows into the empty arena. I stop mid-step, mouth full of muffin, hypnotized by Cash running the stairs, shirtless, with muscles bulging and sweat dripping from his brow. He is so focused, pounding up each step. I swallow my lump of muffin, unable to pull my eyes away from Cash's bare hulk of tattooed muscular mass.

I watch him hit the top step, bend over and take a drink from his water bottle. He doesn't know I'm watching him, but when he stretches his groin, shifting from side to side to give me the perfect shot of his ass, I swear he can feel my stare fixated on his backside. He straightens up and stretches his oblique, placing his big hands on his powerful hips, leaning from one side to the other. I blush, jaw on the floor, entranced by the piece of pure brawn glistening and flexing in front of my eyes. And when his stare suddenly shifts upward in my direction, it's like he senses my arousal.

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