Chapter 16

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User1| @/User
This thing has been bothering me ever since Nari uploaded that storytime...the guy's voice is so familiar to me and his laugh too LIKW WHO IS HE
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User2| @/User
It's so distinct
You lot are smart, you'll figure it out soon. Fighting!!
User3| @/User
You're so condescending 😭
You looovvvee me
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"My parents want to meet you." Nari spoke up over the sound of water crashing. Nari and Jungkook were walking along the Han river holding hot cups of tea in hand since the wind picked up.

Due to Nari's aversion to coffee, Jungkook rarely drank it now knowing that even the smell grossed her out. "Really? When?" He asked looking down at her.

"During the weekend, on Friday." She answered before taking a sip of her coffee. "They going to be here for dinner before getting a plane to Marseille to check on the renovations of the house."

"Oh yeah, how are they coming along?" Jungkook asked remembering when Nari mentioned the renovations. "All's good. All that's left is the guest bathroom's."

"I would love to meet them." He smiled tightening his hold in her hand. "Great, are you busy the whole weekend?" She asked. "No, I don't have practices or schedules." He answered.

"Do you want to go to the farm with me? Someone has to feed the animals and it would be helpful to have an extra set of hands."

"Sure," He nodded. "Why not?"

Nari gave him a close-eyed smile before looking at the river. "How many animals do you guys have?" Jungkook asked. "We have four cows, four baby goats, two horses and a shit load of chickens. Oh and two horses although one is pregnant." Nari listed.

"And Marshall, our dog."

"Wow, so many. Do you guys eat them?" Nari's head whipped towards Jungkook before she bursted out in laughter. "No, no," she sputtered out. "Oh my god. My parents are vegetarians so no. They just like taking care of them."

"My bad." Jungkook chuckled. "I get why you'd think that." Nari shrugged looking up at him.

It was dark outside so there weren't many people by the river bank so Nari and Jungkook both walked without masks.

The only sort of 'protection' Jungkook had on was a cap that hid a part of his face. "Let's go home."


"Do I look presentable?" Jungkook asked smoothing out the lines of his dress shirt. "You look fine, babe. They're gonna like you." Nari reassured him moving plant a kiss on his lips.

"They should be at the back." She said when the entered the restaurant. "C'mon, I see them." She led him to the couple sitting on the table by the windows

"Eomma, Appa!" Nari called out, her red bottom heels clacking against the tile floor of the restaurant with every step she took. "Nari! Look at you! You look beautiful, NaNa." Hwa-young complimented standing up from her seat to greet the couple, Junseo doing the same.

"Thank you maman," Nari smiled. "Meet my boyfriend, Jungkook." She introduced watching as Jungkook gave her parents a bow.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Kim." Jungkook politely smiled. "Oo, it's great to finally meet the man making my NaNa so happy." Hwa-young smiled. "Maman!" Nari groaned.

"No," Junseo laughed. "It's true, she doesn't stop talking about you. Take a seat." He gestured to the two empty seats.

"Ugh papa." Nari jokingly rolled her eyes.

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