Chapter 13. First day of classes Part 2

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“I’ll catch you after lunch?”

Susan nodded and waved as she made her way to the Hufflepuff table.

Amaryllis didn’t care how odd it may have seemed to sit at another houses table during meals, she wouldn’t let it stop her from spending time with her brother.

“‘ey, ‘A milis.”

Her face screwed up as Ron greeted her when she sat down while he stuffed his mouth with food.

“Ron, that’s disgusting,” she informed the red-head.

Two more red-heads entered her field of vision. One sat beside Ron, while the other took up the seat beside her. “We tell him all the time, Millie. Ready to trade places?”

Fred. At least she assumed it was Fred by the nickname he used.

“I’m good.” She rolled her eyes, informing Harry on what they had said on the train ride about swapping places with Ron.

Harry didn’t miss a beat as he placed the muffin on his plate and turned to the twins.“I don’t think you could handle her for long. She’s quiet now, but…”

“Harry,” Amaryllis quibbed, giving her brother a pointed glare.

“You have a knack for going off on something that catches your interest. Especially when you set your mind to it.”

She couldn’t argue that. “Maybe we will trade places for a summer.”

“Do I get a say in this?” Ron questioned.

“No.” Amaryllis smirked as the twins echoed in unison with her and Harry. The four of them laughed as Ron sulked.

“How were your classes?”

Harry shrugged. He didn’t seem down, yet he barely touched what was on his plate. “They were alright.”

“Alright? That Snape was a righteous prick.”

Ron’s face turned red, chewing on another piece of his lunch.

“Professor Snape? What did he do?”

Fred and George snorted, grabbing bites to eat from platters on the tables. “Please, Millie, dear. As if you haven’t had Potions with him already.”

“I mean…” she trailed off, the bridge of her nose creased as she stared at them. “I have. How do you know that?”

George winked at her. “That’s our—”

“—little secret, Millie.” Fred finished with a smile.

George spoke once again staring at Fred. “And we can’t tell you.”

Ron narrowed his eyes at his brothers, letting the food in his hand fall to the plate in a loud clank. “What have you done now?”

“What makes you think we did anything, ickle Ronnikins?”

“What says you didn’t?” Amaryllis retorted.

Fred and George faked gasped as their eyes widened with shock. “That hurts.”

“Truly, Mells.”

“You take someone else’s side, but your brothers?”

Amaryllis couldn’t understand the twins. Maybe it was an identical twin thing as her and Harry never had ‘twin’ talking. They just had been around each other so much they knew the other so well. But Fred and George just knew what the other would say and finished that sentence even with a joke that could have gone sideways.

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