무빙 8.

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무빙 8. The Way He Felt

Three days passed since Bong Yi missed school because of her fever. Gang Hoon asked Bong Seok, "Is Bong Yi okay?" because he was worried about her well-being.

Bong Seok replied, "She has a fever because she got caught in the rain yesterday," and was still upset after hearing Bong Yi's story the night before.

The expression on Gang Hoon's face softened as he took in the information. He felt guilty as he realized that what he had done caused their relationship to become tense.

Gang Hoon continued his conversation with Bong Seok, asking, "Is her fever high? Have you taken her to the hospital?"

Bong Seok replied, "If you're curious, go see her yourself. Then you'll have an idea of what Bong Yi's situation is like."

Gang Hoon felt bad and worried when he heard Bong Seok's answer. He realized that his curiosity was not enough to understand Bong Yi's condition.

Gang Hoon felt more alone than ever. The school, once filled with laughing and chattering, now seemed eerily quiet. He missed Bong Yi's cheerful presence, her catching laugh, and her dazzling smile.

He missed their conversations, how she talked excitedly about her day, her eyes sparkling. He missed the way she teased him, her laughter echoing in his ears.

The class felt empty without her. He would look at her empty seat, a constant reminder of her absence. He missed her scribbling notes, and her furrowed brow as she concentrated on what she needed to learn.

He was reminded of Bong Yi everywhere he looked. And every time he remembered, he was pained by what he had lost.


As the days passed, the tension between Bong Yi and Gang Hoon grew. They both felt longing, frustration, and anger, like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

Gang Hoon could not bear the silence without Bong Yi and he longed for her presence in his life.

He made a bold decision and skipped the study hall and let his determination lead him to the front of Bong Yi's house. Standing on the other side of the river that separated the sidewalk from Bong Yi's house, Gang Hoon gazed at the building, clutching his phone.

His heart started pounding and racing. Gang Hoon knew he was taking a risk. But he couldn't ignore the longing he felt for Bong Yi. It was his way of bridging the gap between them and it was his way of expressing his true feelings.

Gang Hoon unlocked his phone and scrolled through his messages, trying to find the right words to express what he felt. He knew he had to be honest and open with his heart to reach Bong Yi.

Meanwhile, Bong Yi sat by her window, lost in her thoughts. Suddenly, the sound of a message notification interrupted her reverie, and the name displayed on her phone screen made her heart race. She opened the message from Gang Hoon.

MOVING - KIM DO HOON a.k.a LEE GANG HOONWhere stories live. Discover now