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Lets dive back into the story!!!

After reaching home Yash got out the car before everyone and then Aditi followed him closely.He directly went into his room to work on the current deal after asking for a cup of coffee.

Aditi who heard his demand for coffee thought that it will be good opportunity to impress him a bit and she can spend a sometime alone with him. So, She directly went to kitchen to make coffee for him .

In kitchen,She met shivi's mother and Sweta who was preparing lunch for everyone. After looking at them she bent down to touch shivi's mother feet and then touched Sweta's feet. They both lovely placed their hands on her head and gave her blessings to get all the happiness in the world.

Sweta asked," Who is this beautiful girl?" from Shivi's mother roshni.

Roshni replied," She is our Seema's younger sister Aditi . Today only she came from Mumbai after giving her exams. She didn't able to attend the baby shower due to her exams ."

"ohh!!!" Sweta said and smiled at her.

Roshni then said to Aditi about Sweta and when she heard that she is Yash's mother , she got excited and thought that she will make a good image in front of her so that she will help her in getting her son.

Aditi asked about the things which she needed for preparing the coffee. After preparing coffee she kept the cup and asked Roshni which is Yash's room? When Sweta heard this she asked her to confirm that the coffee she was preparing for his son? When Aditi nodded her head she told her that, " Beta don't worry Shivi will give him his coffee you can drink this one as you might be tired from the journey too!!. But Aditi declined saying that she has prepared two cups and will drink it along with Yash only.

Sweta again told her that Shivi will bring his coffee for him but Aditi didn't liked her this behavior and went from the kitchen saying not to worry Shivi when she can do that small task herself .

Here sweta was worried as she knows that Yash only liked coffee which was prepared by Shivi herself only and when someone else prepared it for him he doesn't like it as he strictly told them that only she will make him his coffee. 

This happened when shivi first started learning how to cook as she wanted to impress him at the mare age of 10 years. He got angry on her for playing pranks on her teacher in school.  She painted her chair with the glue and when sat on that chair her clothes sticked on it.

When that teacher stood up to write something in the board, that chair stick to her clothes lifted up everyone started laughing on her teacher in the class. Teacher got embarrassed and very furious too . She started shouting on her students to tell her who did this stunt with her and when no one told her,who did this?

When no one told anything, she got furious and punished everyone in the class by stricking their hands with stick saying that it will teach them a lesson .

When Palak and shivi came back home with tear sticken faces and red marks on there hands, Sweta got worried about them and asked them about it . But they both kept mum as they didn't wanted to anger her mother too and get punished. Even after asking for many times when they didn't told anything, She put some creams on their hands for reducing rednes and swelling. 

In the evening when Yash came back from his tuition classes and saw Sweta's worried face, He asked her," What happened mama?" and then she him everything , he too got worried and then went into their room.

Yash strictly asked them but still they didn't told anything but when he used his angry glares and twisted Palak's ear she told him immediately everything and then he got mad on both of them because of their pranks everyone in the class got punished without their any mistakes. 

He told everything to their mother and then their parents too were disappointed in them and next day Yash went to their class and said sorry to every student for taking punishment on their behaves and also thanks them for saving them from getting in trouble. But he stopped talking to both of them and only talk when he use to teach them or help them in their homeworks.

But after few days he started talking with but still ignoring Shivi which she didn't liked a bit as he always buy her things always took her out to play .

Thats why to make him forgive her she learned to cook his favorite dishes and coffee too as he loves to drink it more then tea.

When she first time made it for him he loved it even thou it was not perfect and told everyone that from that day onwards that," I will only drink coffee which is prepared by my wife only!!!" Everyone started laughing on his tactics and shivi's face become red in shyness and she immediately hide between Sweta .

Aditi without knocking entered his Yash and saw him sitting on his bed while working on laptop. She kept the tray with coffee on the table and coughed a little to caught his attention. 

Yash without looking up said," Ohhhh finally little mouse got the courage huh?" .

Aditi got shocked and said," where is mouse?? I didn't see any mouse here!!Don't tell me there are mouse in this room!!" and immediately said on the bed wearing her sandals.

After hearing different voice Yash immediately looked towards Aditi as said rudely," Who are you ? What are you doing in my room huh?? And how dare you to sit on my bed while wearing this dirty footwears huh?". He immediately stand up and glared her .

Adit got scared and said," You.... asked for coffee. So , I made coffee for you . How can you forget me? We just met few mins ago I'm Seema di's sister remember!!! Ohh about bed you said about mouse so I got scared and fear I sat up here. "

I don't give damn who evers sister you !! How dare you to enter in my room without permission?. Do you have any manners or not. And who asked you to make coffee for me?? Did i asked you to prepare it huh!!!" he angrily shouted on her.

He pulled her from his bed with a jerk due to which she almost fell down but balanced herself and he throw her out the room and told her angry," Don't you dare to enter my room again?? and throw the tray out along with her due to which cups brokw down and some of the hot coffee fell in Aditi's feet, which caused her to hiss in pain  and she immediately sat down to inspect her feet with teary eyes.



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