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As they sat in the car, the quiet hum of the engine a stark contrast to the storm of emotions within, Ava felt a wave of apprehension wash over her. The decision to keep Lily away from the hospital's potentially distressing environment weighed heavily on her, yet she knew it was the right choice given the uncertainty of her father's condition. Brian's presence beside her, steady and reassuring, was the only solace in the midst of her swirling thoughts.

"Bri, I can't tell you how much it means to have you here," Ava said, her voice quivering slightly as she glanced his way. The gratitude in her eyes was clear, even as they glistened with unshed tears.

Brian navigated the car through the streets with a calmness that seemed to defy the gravity of the situation. Turning to Ava, he offered her a warm, reassuring smile. "Ava, you don't have to thank me. I'm here for you, for Lily, for whatever you need. Just knowing I can be here to support you during this time is all that matters," he said, his hand finding hers, giving it a gentle, supportive squeeze.

In the dim light of the car's interior, the bond between Ava and Brian was a silent testament to the strength and comfort that comes from shared burdens and unwavering companionship. As they drove towards the hospital, the road ahead uncertain, it was the certainty of their connection that fortified Ava, giving her the courage to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As they approached the medical center, Ava turned to Lily. "Baby, I'll come get you later, okay? Be a good girl for me, won't you, my little Lily?" she said lovingly.

Lily nodded, her childish innocence shining through. "I promise, Mommy."

Ava kissed her forehead, relieved by her daughter's easygoing nature.

Brian, seeing Ava's concern, tried to lighten the mood. "Lily, Daddy Brian is going to take you somewhere fun. Ready?"

Lily's grin lit up her face. "Yay! Bye, Mommy!"

Ava waved them off before entering the hospital, her heart pounding with anxiety. She was anxious, not just about her father's condition but also the possibility of encountering Ethan. She hadn't prepared herself for that yet.

At the nurse's station, Ava was greeted with surprised but warm welcomes. "Miss Greenwood, welcome back," said Nurse Susan. Ava asked for her father's room and was led to the VIP wing.

As the door to her father's hospital room swung open, Ava's heart leapt into her throat. Standing there, her family's expressions transformed from shock to unbridled joy. "Dad!" she cried out, her voice choked with emotion as she rushed to the bedside. She threw her arms around her father, holding him tightly as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

"Oh, Daddy, please tell me you're okay," she sobbed, her body trembling with the intensity of the moment.

Her father, weak but smiling, wrapped his arms around her. "I'm much better now, princess," he said, his voice a comforting balm. "Seeing you, right here, is the best medicine I could ever ask for."

As Ava turned from her father's bedside to face her mother and Nate, the raw emotion in their eyes mirrored her own. She stepped closer to her mother, wrapping her arms around her in a tight embrace. "Oh, Mommy, this must have been so hard for you," she whispered, her voice quivering as she felt her mother's body tremble with silent sobs.

Her mother clung to her, the years of worry and care flowing out in her tears. "Ava, it's such a relief to have you here. And you need to tell your father to slow down. It seems he only listens to you these days," she said, her voice a mixture of relief and lingering fear.

Nate, ever the protective older brother, moved closer, his presence a comforting constant. "Hey, little sis, where's my favorite niece? Lily must be wondering about all this fuss," he asked, trying to lighten the mood.

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