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Ch. 14

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Outside of Lyons' medical room, the air was quiet. Victoria was inside caring for Frank with the help of two nurses, but the halls were empty. Since Daniel declared war, human staff was minimal. It wasn't a business choice but theirs; it was better to be with family in this situation. Yet, because of this, I was left with my own thoughts.

With my chin in my hands, I stared at the dirt and blood on my shoes. I blamed myself. Victoria didn't need to come out and update me on Frank's condition. I knew for the moment I scooped him into my arms. The damaged nerves were obvious against my fingertips. A body gives off small bursts of energy when alive, catching the signals from the brain and distributing them throughout the limbs and organs. Frank's mind was fine and sent the necessary sparks; his arm didn't receive them.

My fingers covered my lips as I looked ahead. The bright bulb just outside Frank's room captivated a mouth, keeping its attention. And mine. I chewed on my bottom lip. "My father was right," I muttered, focusing on the insect that bounced and bobbed left and right around the glowing light. "Trying to be a peacekeeper isn't going to cut it."

No, it wouldn't. I knew that outside. The woman, the leader of that pack, was ready to kill us on Lyons sidewalk to prove a point. Yet, the moment she shot Frank and I fought back, she ran away like a dog with its tail between its legs. Her little henchmen, the few that lingered, weren't any better. They only remained close enough to feel us and learn our power. I wondered if I would've been able to do it without Ezekiel.

"Grab that," Victoria hissed from inside of the room. A tool fell to the floor. Immediately, I stood and changed my vision to see through the door. It was a scalpel that'd fallen. Victoria's silhouette bent, reaching for it, before turning to Frank's bed again. Instinct told me to go in; I knew she had it under control, but I just had to see for myself. Trembling, I reached for the doorknob.

"Vicky's doing fine. Another hour or so and you can see him."

I jumped at the sound of the voice. The hall spun slowly but, in the distance, down the hall and closer to the end windows, was my father. I knew it was him even without much light. His outline, his build, was my reflection. I gulped and turned slightly. "How, how are you?" I glanced behind me at my empty chair. "Am I sleeping somewhere?"

My father with his freshly lit cigarette shrugged. He put the small white stick to his lips and took a drag. "Maybe. Maybe not," he said. "I'm only here to see where you stand?"

He continued to come towards me. Once close to Frank's room, he stood in the small light. I made out the Garett jacket, open and exposing his Lyons uniform. I remembered when I was a kid, he was always proud to wear the two names together.

My father smirked and met my eyes. "The planet's crumbling and I see you're falling with it."

Oh, cool. It was nice to know he only saw my failures from wherever he was. I told myself one day I'd learn exactly how he existed; I wanted to replicate it. Right now, I didn't care.

I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth. "Thanks for the moral support, Dad."

He blew cigarette smoke in my direction. The smell of nicotine hit my face. My computer picked up on the toxins floating in the air. How? He wasn't there. None of this was real.

"I'm serious," he said. "I installed my completed data into Daniel's computer years ago. By now, he's evolved from it." As he turned, he leaned against the wall and twirled his cigarette between his fingers. He never broke eye contact with me. "Daniel's the most advanced 500 series in existence, Elijah. With the androids he's recruited, it's over, I can see it from here."

I didn't move. Even with him so close, and the smell of smoke getting stronger, I held onto his gaze. I wanted to tell myself that this was how I remembered him; always smoking, sipping a glass of whiskey. But this was later in life after Lyons came into our family after they drained all of his excitement and love of being an android mechanic.

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