Chapter 17 - Under New Management

180 36 6

Year 248 P.L. Rychter Calendar
Coordinates: 52.3°S; 77.2°W
Site Designation: Scraegar Labyrinth, Incident Site


Ivy unhooked her harness and wriggled loose, almost bowling over the attending technician in her haste. She looked around with her face set in a scowl, furious at being yanked away from the biggest breakthrough they'd made in weeks without a real explanation.

She'd known Kelso long enough, however, to know he would have one.

Leaping out of the last straps, Ivy scurried to catch up with Captain Kenyatta's long-striding form as she stormed her way through the cluster of tents and pre-fab dwellings of the expedition. Her eyes flicked past the human portion of the plateau to the cumbersome Scraegan forms gathered at the far edge. Several of the warriors clustered around the Alpha, and she could make out some of their gruff language echoing through the cavern.

And that was when she noticed how quiet it was.

Most of the machines, be they human or Scraegan were idling now, creating a gentle growling backdrop as they walked. Ivy's brow furrowed in worry as she looked around more carefully. Most of the engineers and archaeologists looked confused, but some of the team leaders and security staff were casting wary glances at the Scraegans.

There were guns everywhere.

Hot on Kenyatta's heels, Ivy slid through the flap into the long structure of the command tent, passing a pair of twitchy-looking Blackwater guards as she went. Tamping down the unease in her gut, she stepped into the open space to find Kelso standing in the main room at a large oblong table, data slate in one hand.

A Blackwater sergeant named McKaine stood alongside him – a granite slab of a man whose face was grim. Also loitering nearby and sizzling with nervous energy were the senior members of the archaeological and technical teams, Doctor Samsfield and Specialist Cammara. Samsfield, an older man with weathered skin and a bald head, cupped his grey-bearded chin with consternation, while Cammara had her slender arms crossed tight across her chest, her face set in an expression of barely contained panic.

"Alright, Vannigan," Kenyatta growled as she stomped up to the group, taking one of the empty places at the table. "We're here. Now what was so damned important? Do you have any idea what we've found up there?"

"Yes, I know." Kelso shot her an irritated glance before looking back to the data slate. "But we have other problems right now."

Kenyatta opened her mouth to unleash another salvo, but Ivy nudged her with an elbow, shaking her head. Something was very wrong here. Something that was somehow even more important than their discoveries.

"Kelso," she said quietly. "What's going on?"

For a moment he didn't answer. The others exchanged uneasy looks; Sergeant McKaine dragged fingers through his short buzzcut of hair.

"The Liaison Post," he said eventually, his expression grim as he scanned his data slate. "It's gone."

Ivy recoiled in surprise. "What do you mean it's gone?!"

"Something happened with the delegation they sent." He shook his head, placing the slate down on the table and looking at them. "There was an explosion on the Scraegan side."

"Bloody Rivers," Kenyatta gasped.

"One of ours?" asked McKaine, his gruff voice tight with worry. "Somebody fired on the Scraegans?"

Kelso shook his head. "They're still sorting out the mess, but it looks a little more complicated than that."

"What do you mean complicated?" Ivy blurted, her gut twisting with terror. "What happened? Ryke was out there! Is he-?"

Hellsky (Hunter-Killer #3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz