Chapter 1: Nostalgic Echoes

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In the heart of Mumbai, where towering skyscrapers whispered tales of ambition, Tara Shegal, a successful interior designer, found herself standing before an old mansion. This wasn't just any property; it held the echoes of her childhood memories, a place where she first crossed paths with a young boy.

As Tara stepped through the creaking gates, the mansion unfolded its secrets. Shadows danced across the grand halls, and whispers of laughter from bygone days lingered in the air. Memories flooded back as she explored the rooms, each corner unraveling a piece of the past.

On the other side of the city, Devraj Mallick, now a renowned contractor, was overseeing a new project. Little did Tara know, her world was about to collide with someone unexpected once again.

A letter arrived at Tara's doorstep, an invitation from Mallick Industries. They sought her expertise as an interior designer for the very mansion that held the threads of her past. Intrigued and hesitant, Tara accepted the opportunity, unaware of the intricate design fate was weaving.

The day arrived for Tara to meet Mr. Mallick, the man behind the renowned empire. As she stepped into the sleek Mallick Industries office, There he was—Devraj Mallick, a powerful man with a gaze that held secrets.

During their first meeting, a subtle tension lingered, a silent recognition of shared history. Devraj observed Tara closely, knowing the truth while he remained blissfully unaware. He saw a chance to play a part in a story that had unraveled years ago.

As Tara and Devraj discussed the project, a chance moment brought them to the mansion's garden. Unbeknownst to Tara, this was the very spot where she and a young Deva had shared a fleeting moment of friendship years ago.

In a playful twist, a sudden rain shower catching them off guard, forcing them to seek refuge together.

The fragrant rain mingled with the scent of nostalgia as they stood on the precipice of a collaboration that would either rekindle old flames or fan the embers of resentment.

To know about the journey of tara and deva more follow "Whispers in the Weave"🧿

Do tell me how's the part and please vote for next chapter..
Lots of love from anny 💖🌙

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