dally x y/n: jealousy 😥😠 pt 3

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Y/n p.o.v

After walking into town into Buck's party I asked around if anyone seen dally, everyone practically knew him. But I got "nos" and "not really". I sighed sitting at the bar table, thinking of where could've he gone too. I knew he wouldn't go back the Curtis house, I sat there and think.

"Dally where are u?"

After thinking to myself, I lifted up my head. I know day would find him somewhere to stay, and he's not here. He probably checked into a hotel down town; I was about to leave when buck got my attention.

"Hey y/n." (Buck)


"Why the long face?" (Buck)

"Me and dally had a fight and I don't know where he is."

"Poor kid. But I did saw him a bit ago before u came in." (Buck)

I perked up, and asked where he went. Buck told me he saw dally go to a hotel that's not far from here, he offered me a ride but I decided to walk. I stepped out into the cold street, and started walking. After walking 2 1/2 miles, I looked at my fingers and see them turning blue.  I tucked my hands in my coat pocket and keep walking; my cheeks were cold as well but I had to walk through this cold.

I held my husband wedding ring I my pocket, and kept going. I have to tell my husband I'm sorry, and fixed this before he walks out of my life.

Dally p.o.v

I walked into Rochelle apartment, and looked around; her apartment was small but how she had it decorated..felt big. Red sex lights, sex toys on the bed, red bed sheets and etc. She sat me down on the couch, and Saud she'd bring me a drink. When she was fixing drinks, I looked down at my feet.

"Y am I here?"

"Okay I got our drinks.." (Rochelle)


"So tell me what changed ur mind~" (Rochelle)

She sat down in front if me, and handed me a drink. I took the glass, and looked at my reflection; I sighed and swirl the liquor around in the glass. Rochelle insist that I take a sip, but I was skeptical. I sat the glass down on the coffee table; and leaned back in the chair. I rubbed my face with on hand, and looked at Rochelle. When i looked at her, I saw y/n. I know I was a lil tipsy but I'm not stupid.

"I guess what made me change my mind was wanting to talk to someone."

"Oh really?~ dose that "talk" have anything to do with me?~" (Rochelle)


"How sweet~" (Rochelle)

When she got up to go to the kitchen, I poured the liquor in the dog bowl. She had a white poodle, and I was kinda cute. But it's gonna be drunk. When she came back, she had a another glass of liquor in her hand.

"Oh looks like u finally came around~" (Rochelle)

She put her glass down, and went back in the kitchen. I heard my conscious talk to me saying "leave, go home, she's not worth it." I started to get a lil hot in my winter coat, so I took it off. Rochelle came back with another glass. When she saw my toned body- she blushed, licked her lips, and smirked. She bent down in front of me, exposing her cleavage. She put my glass down, and sat in front of me; crossing her leg. But when she did, she spread her legs open; turn to her side a lil then cross her leg. I could tell she was trying to get me drunk, she keeps giving me drinks and I keep dumping it in the dog bowl.

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