Chapter thirty-six - The night air

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(A/N): Hey guys! Long time no see. Thank you for your patience with me and all your sweet messages. You're the best readers <3

Normally when I have incorporated Spanish dialogue in my story, I've used Google Translate and written the translation in English below. I have decided to try something new. Whenever there is a dialogue in cursive it's Spanish (except if it's endearments or single words). It's not as time consuming and I'm lazy. Let me know how it works out as it is your reading experience that matters.

The first part of the chapter is a dream but also something that has happened in the past. That's why it's in cursive. Just wanted to make that clear so there wouldn't be any misunderstandings. Happy reading! X


Michael's pov:

"Mr. Cifuentes, there's someone on line two for you", my assistant informed me.

"Arthur, you've worked for me the past twenty-four years, how many times have I told you to just call me Michael?", I drawled, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.

"Many times, Mr. Cifuentes", he replied, proper as always. "It's what Mr. Anderson prefers".

"Well, is it me or Mr. Anderson you're working for?" I enquired, wheeling my chair to the side to look at him, making sure to show I'm not too offended that we're having this discussion about my title yet again.

"Well", the formal man shrugged, a tiny hint of his British accent slipping through. "Technically, I'm working for the Andersons but have been appointed to serve you and your family".

"Exactly", I nodded as we reached the same conclusion as we have the last twenty-four years. "Which means you have to follow my orders". Grinning, I wiggled my brows at him teasingly.

"If it pleases you, señor". Bowing his head curtly, the corner of his mouth slightly tugged upwards.

"It does". Cracking a laugh, I reached for the phone, remembering there was a caller on hold. "Line two you said?"

"Yes, Mr. Michael". Empathizing my name loud and clear, he nodded curtly once more as he exited my office.

Chuckling, I held the phone to my ear. "A & C Enterprises".

"Miguel, my love!" My loving mother chimed through the phone, the sound of her Spanish tongue almost making it possible for me to see her right in front of me.

"Mamá", I smiled brightly, quickly switching over to my native language. "You know it's much easier for you to just call me on my private cell phone".

"Oh, I know but I just love how you sound when you're all business like. Just like your papá".

"Well, it runs in the family". Though my family only knew criminal business that is. Both my parents committed criminal activities as well as everybody else. I was the black sheep for not going down that route. I wanted something different. "How is papá by the way? Has he's coughing gotten better?"

"He's alive if that's what you mean". I rolled my eyes. "Enough about him. I didn't call to talk about papá. Then I would have spoken to him myself".

"Of course, mamá", I chuckled. "Then tell me how you are doing?"

"Thank you for asking. Took you long enough", she added in a mutter.

I listened to my mother complaining about my father's loud coughing that has kept her awake the past nights. Then about the neighbor's apple tree whose branches are growing over my parent's side of the yard and therefore is the reason why numerous apples covered their grass. It hurts my mother's back as she must bend to pick them all up and throw them back over the fence to the neighbor as she doesn't want their apples in the first place. They taste like horse shit. Her words not mine. At last, she told me all the gossip about the villagers she heard from when she visited the hairdresser.

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