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" Well my girl , no whimpers or sobs tonight because your precious , good for nothing bodyguard will hear mhm ? "
I just nodd holding onto the edge of a table .
" Happy birthday Clara "

I'm heading back to my quarters my whole body aching . Pain.  Pain . Pain . My back is still bleeding . I really miss my brother right now . He'd always patch up my back and I'd sleep next to him . We would usually take cake to mommy's house and then talk to her . I might go see her tomorrow . I unlock the door and head inside . I hear Xander's oddly loud footsteps behind me .
" What'd you get ? " he smiles enthusiastically , so naive . So , so naive. 
" Oh uhm " I fight the stinging sensation in my throat my words growing weaker by the second . " I'll tell you later , just let me hop in the shower ". Xander's eyebrows knit in a frown . " Madam , are you alright ? "
"Mhm " I say in the most high pitched voice ever . I push past him into my bath room and lock the door . I take a quick glance in the mirror and my eyes are glassy and red . I turn on the shower and take off my clothes . The blood has settled , but it settled against my shirt and I have to tear it off . I wince as I feel the wound opening up again . I feel a droplet of blood drip down my back and see it fall to the white tiles of my bathroom floor . I run both of my hands through my hair . I bite my lip as I step into the ice cold shower . Aaron used to shove me under a cold shower , I'd wash my back pat it dry and he'd seal it with gauze and bandages and then put me in bed . I do exactly the same as he used to , accept he's not here to help . I take a cloth and put some soap in it and squeeze the water so that it runs down my back . I wince as the soap stings and seeps into my wounds . After the torture session I wrap my body in a black towel and pat them dry . I forgot my ointment in the drawer of my dresser . I groan in frustration.  " Xander ! " I shout from the bathroom .
" Yes Madam Warner? "
" There is a ointment in the top left drawer of my dresser could you please bring it for me ? "
" Certainly madam "

Xander POV

I go to the drawer and open it , it's very messy with pens , pencils and other crap,  I dig around and find the ointment I pick up the little blue pot and underneath is a piece of paper . Scribbled in a very messy yet elegant handwriting is written ' The Andersons on Christmas 2010 ' I flip it over and I see a beautiful blonde woman with emerald green eyes who looks almost identical to madam Warner . She has the brightest most perfect smile perfectly straight teeth she's holding a boy with golden blonde hair and green eyes he's dressed in Christmas pajamas looking at the lady he looks about 5 . Its mr Warner . I smile . Next to them is a Sharply dressed man with dark brown hair and aquamarine eyes . Anderson . He's holding a girl with curly pigtails and bangs smiling at the camera . Madam Warner. They are standing behind a Christmas tree beautifully decorated . I smile and it feels like I've been sucked into the picture watching them take it .
" Xander ! "
I snap back to reality
" Xander did you find it ! Can you hurry please ? "
" Yeah , yeah my apologies Madam I'm on my way "

I knock on the door and it opens with only a hand sticking out . I put the pot in her hands , she takes it and shuts the door .

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