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(A/n: Remember that I'd say I'll write where Ruth went after the harvest moon episode? This takes place after that episode, so enjoy!)

The sun was starting to rise in the Wrath Ring as it shines at a place called "Hideaway Motel Vacancy. The Guy That Tried 2 Kill U Def Isn't Here." Light shines in a room where it shows Ruth sleeping before the light gets on his face that causes him to wake up.

Ruth: "*yawn* Alrighty, time to start a new day."

He gets out of bed and starts getting ready for today's work. He works at a local bar called "Killer Venom" in the middle of the dessert, it's not much, but at least it puts food on his table. Ruth finishes getting ready as he walks out the door to head to his motorcycle.

Ruth: "Time for another day in hell, again and literally."

He gets on his bike and rides off on the road, not noticing a pair of eyes watching him as Ruth rides off. Meanwhile, somewhere else in the desert, two horses are walking in the desert, looking all cool like.

???: "Ugh! This outfit is way too damn hot and I'm tired! Let me just-"

The mysterious person ripped their cloak to reveal Cassi in her western outfit along with Millie too.

Cassi: "*sigh* that's much better. Now, remind me what are we doing here and why is Moxxie not here with us?"

Millie: "We're out here to look for my brother and Moxxie can't know about this, he already worried about what happened at the Harvest Moon Festival."

Cassi: "Your lucky we don't have a lot to do this weekend, so be lucky."

Millie: "Now, if I were Ruth, where would I go?"

Cassi: "Hey look, there's a horse station over there."

Millie: "*looks over where Cassi is looking at* Wait, whaaaa?"

True to Cassi's words, there is a convenient horse station over there in the distance.

Cassi: "Let's get these buds food, huh?"

Millie: "Cass, I don't think that's a good-"

Cassi: "*baby voice* Come on, let's get you horsies some food. *normal voice* You coming Mils or what?"

Millie was hesitant at first, but decided to go with it and said,

Millie: "Alright."

They both rode up to the station as both wrath imps looked at the two questionably.

Cassi: "Fill 'em up please."

Wrath Imp: "What'll it be ladies, your pussy or the horses?"

They both slapped their knees as they suddenly laughed that Cassi and Millie.

Millie: "Are you fellas laughing at us?"

Cassi: "Mils, I think they're laughing next to us with the horses."

Wrath Imp: "* continues laughing as he walks over* Where are you dumb whores heading off to?"

Millie: "Excuse me?!"

Cassi: "Mils, chill. For your information men we are not whores, we're assassins and we're on our way to Death Vally to find my friend's brother."

Wrath Imps: "Death Vally?"

Wrath Imp 2: "Ain't that the town full of outlaws and killers where the dead bodies come from?"

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