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The next day was filled with excitement. Archer had given himself a week to get me to fall in love. I had received a text from my boss asking me to meet up for dinner for casual chatting. I was not particularly excited, however, I did suggest we try to become friends and I am assuming this is his attempt.

I got ready for work and headed out the door. I walked into my office to see a free Archer sitting down, twirling a pen in his hand waiting for our session to begin.

He smiled when he saw me walk into the room, today was the day that he was planning on starting to try to make me fall in love with him. As he saw me take a seat in my chair, he took note of how my hair was tied up neatly with the occasional strands of hair poking out. He noticed how my cheeks were slightly flushed, I was definitely looking good today."Good morning, today is going to be another delightful day as usual right? It's like we're finally starting to make some progress."

I laughed because I could see right through him and see how sarcastically cheerful he was while trying to make his point. "It is delightful, Archer. How are you feeling today?"

He smirked as he heard my laugh, I certainly was very smart. I could see right through him, but he liked that because that would make the challenge a little bit tougher. He wasn't going to let me know how he was feeling, but he did have one question for me as he sat up straight in his seat and spoke with a calm tone."By the way, can you answer a question that I have?"

"I can try."

He paused for a moment and he took a deep breath before speaking again."Do you happen to have a boyfriend or someone special in your life? I know this may seem a bit out of the blue, but lately, I have been curious to ask you these types of questions."

I laughed because I had already answered this when he drew the picture of me. "No, I do not."

He laughed at my chuckle. I still managed to surprise him at times, even though I already told him.

"I see, that's good to know. Now I don't have to worry about a potential love rival." He smirked slightly at me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Just because I don't have a lover doesn't mean others are not interested in me. I actually had someone ask me on a date tonight. So it seems that you might have a potential love rival." I smiled with satisfaction.

Archer gasped in surprise as his face went slightly red."Wait, someone asked you on a date? Oh boy, I see a potential problem. Well, may I ask who it is? Also, it's just a date or are you thinking of actually going on the date?"

"I will not reveal his identity. However, I was not going to go on the date but if it makes your challenge slightly harder, then I suppose I must go on this date."

Archer's face was still slightly red, he was getting irritated at the thought of me going on a date with another guy, especially if that man was an unknown entity."Yeah, no. I think I'd like a name. Plus, how am I supposed to compete if I don't even know who this other guy is? I wouldn't be surprised if he was some hot model or something. You can't just go on a date with him while I'm here, trying to make you fall in love with me."

"Ah, jealous are we? Well, while I can't give you the name, I can tell you he is FAR from a model. He is a doctor of some sort."

He was still getting slightly annoyed at the idea of me going on a date, he really wanted to know who this guy was. When I told him that he was far from being a model, he was relieved. He smirked once again. "Okay, at least he's not a model. But he's not a threat right? Like I don't have anything to worry about, or do I?"

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