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Life... It became easier in some ways and harder in others.

"Hey, what do you want, brat?!" The group laughed as Percy smirked, holding the kid off the ground several feet. "What? You accidentally bumped into me? You think a sorry will cut it?!"

She threw the girl town, towering over her.

The girl looked at her with fear as she grabbed the front of her shirt, lifting her, reeling a fist back and!-- A-and? Something? anything? Hello? Percy home?

She looked at the trembling girl, dropping her fist and letting go, stepping back, smile falling.

"Scram." The girl looked up in shocked confusion. "I SAID SCRAM!!" She scrambled to her feet and ran off.

"What was that Percy?" One of her friends asked bored.

"Just drop it, it is not worth it."

"Man, you've gotten boring since you came back."

"Yeah live a little, you are a victor."

"It is like you've gone soft."

A vein could have popped out on her forehead as she made fists and her shoulders pulled up.

"LEAVE!!" She screamed in the face of the closest person who fell back in fear. "LEAVE ALL OF YOU!! YOU DAMNED LEACHES!! SCRAM BEFORE I PUT THE FEAR OF LIFE INTO YOU!!"

"So lame."

"Jeez lets go guys."

She took a few deep breaths, she had been find with their leach-y relationship before but it seems that it has truly ended now. Before she could do this, she liked this but things have changed, so much had changed. Setting off in the opposite way they went.

Having gotten used to walking on the leg but it didn't stop the phantom pain sometimes getting so bad she couldn't walk and there was nothing to do against it but wait it out.

She tried to be herself but the arena had washed her personality away and just brought back trouble with it.

Maybe she should buy groceries? Yeah, that will change her thought right?

She wished she wasn't expected to be herself anymore, the large scratched X on the Capitol's logo should be hint enough but no.



"You made us look weak you ungrateful child."

"It is not like I was not dying, oh wait, I was, for like a whole week maybe."

"Do not talk like that to you mother!"

"As if you were ever parents to us!!"

"Don't you dare bring u--""I bring up who I want! I am a damned victor, what will you do about it? Now leave me alone, you can't have anything over me! Now enjoy your fame by name because I have nothing else to give you!"

"Per--" "No! I have had enough! Nothing was ever good enough! You thought I wanted to be the best?! NO! You wanted to live vicariously through me to wash the shame off your faces!! Well now live with my victory and leave me the fuck alone!!"


The Trackjacker And The Mockingjay (Katniss Everdeen X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now