Chapter 10

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Bhavya's Pov

"Bhavya, are you ready? Hurry up. Your bus will be here any minute, beta," I hear my Maasi calling me. "Yes, yes, I'm ready, Maasi." With that, I hastily grab my bag and exit the room, rushing down to the living room. Quickly kissing my Maasi's cheek, I bid her goodbye and leave the house before she can say anything.

 Quickly kissing my Maasi's cheek, I bid her goodbye and leave the house before she can say anything

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I reach the bus stop and see the bus already waiting there. Cursing under my breath, I hurry and board the bus, apologizing to the driver for being late. Finding my usual seat, I quickly sit down as the driver starts the bus, heading towards the next stops.

(At the site)

I set my bag down on the desk and pull out my tools and brush set. It's time to start working on restoring the new artifact we discovered in a room the team managed to open. It's an old jewelry box, covered in layers of thick dust. The wood is weathered, and the carvings are intricate, showing signs of age and history. However, it's securely locked, and the lock rusty due being locked for so many years. 

Using my delicate tools, I begin the meticulous task of cleaning the dust off the box, revealing its hidden beauty. As I work, the top of the box emerges from beneath the layers of grime, exposing a delicate ivy design etched into the wood. It's a captivating sight, and it motivates me to continue cleaning, eager to uncover more of the box's secrets.

After working for some time, my eyes begin to feel strained, and I realize I need a break. I decide to take a walk in the forest to clear my mind. Stepping outside the tent, I'm greeted by the soothing sounds of nature—the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the gentle whisper of the wind. 

Walking through the forest away from the tents and the site, I take a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling instantly refreshed by the natural beauty around me. The tall trees form a canopy above, letting sunlight peek through in patches on the forest floor. Birds hop from branch to branch, their cheerful chirps adding a musical soundtrack to the serene atmosphere.

As I walk further into the forest, the happy chirping of birds fades away, leaving an eerie silence. The trees and bushes around me get thicker, making it hard to see, and the air carries the scent of damp soil. I try to look through the dense trees, but I can't see much beyond the misty veil that envelops the forest.

Suddenly, amidst the fog, I notice a road ahead.  Feeling a bit scared, I can't help but keep walking to see where the path leads.

But hold on, Bhavya! That's exactly what the main character in a scary movie would do! I shouldn't go that way. Who knows what could be waiting for me there? And why is there even a spooky place like this in the forest? Ugh, why did I think going for a walk in the forest was a good idea? Seriously, who does that?

"You do," my inner voice reminds me, making me roll my eyes. Yep, that would be me, the idiot.

Trying to push away my thoughts, I look around, hoping to find another way out. But luck isn't on my side, and the only option is the misty path ahead of me.

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