𝟐𝟒✯ drink the blood Rhea.

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My eyes flutter open, 𝐦𝐲 head throbbing with pain. The room is shrouded in darkness, the only source of light coming from a flickering candle on a nearby table. As 𝐈 tried to move, I realized that my hands were tightly bound with rough rope, and I was  seated in an old wooden chair. Panic sets in as I takes in my surroundings.

Fear courses through her veins, but Rhea knows she needs to stay calm and find a way out. She strains her ears, listening intently for any sign of movement. The distant sound of hushed voices reaches her, and she realizes the hunters are nearby. They must be planning their next move.

Suddenly, the cabin door creaks open, and a group of stern-faced vampire hunters enter. Their eyes bore into Rhea, their expressions a mix of curiosity and hostility. The leader of the group steps forward, her voice dripping with disdain.

"Oh! Hello again." The woman smiled

I watched as the woman and the other hunters walk forward. "Now let's talk about those vampire brothers that you've been hanging around." She glares

Rhea's heart pounds in her chest as she tries to gather her thoughts. She knows she needs to be careful with her words. She can't afford to reveal too much, but she also can't arouse suspicion. She takes a deep breath, summoning her courage.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I responded , my voice steady despite the fear pulsing through me. "I've never been involved with any vampires. You've got the wrong person."

The hunters exchange skeptical glances, clearly unconvinced. They press on with their interrogation, firing question after question at Rhea. They want information about the vampire males she's supposedly associated with, their whereabouts, and their plans.

Rhea's mind races as she carefully chooses her words. She decides to play the role of an innocent bystander, claiming ignorance while subtly deflecting their inquiries. She knows that revealing any information could put her friends in danger.

"I'm just a regular human," Rhea insists, my voice tinged with desperation. "I don't know anything about vampire plans or whereabouts. I've never been involved in any of that."

The hunters grow increasingly frustrated, their patience wearing thin. "Okay, listen little bitch, don't play dumb with me." The woman squeezes my cheeks.

"I haven't seen these brothers in years, Mak, Malachi, Milo and Marcus— correct?" She glance me a smirk.

"How do you kno—

"Know them? Well it's a pretty long story."

"How old are you?" I questioned the woman with curiosity.

"I'm 500 years old, I've been living on this shitty planet over decades." She spat

"And I want my hands on these brothers! They took everything from me!"  She grew furious even more

I watched as she took a pocket knife out her pocket, she slices my cheek a little— causing blood to drip down.

I winced from the pain. "That's enough." A familiar voice said coming from out the shadows.

I squinted my eyes at the dark area, trying to figure out who it was. It was Dean— my step father.

He came out the shadows, his dad bod was gone. He looked like an young man. He had an handsomely face and a hunter tattoo on his hand.  "Dean?"

"How did you do tha—

"Dean is a hunter/shapeshifter you fucking idiot." The woman spat

"He helped us Spy on you and you're family after we seen that you were shown with them."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟖+ (𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌)  ✩Supernatural✩ ( COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now