Part Six

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"Who, being loved, is poor?" - Oscar Wilde

Last night after I went inside from our odd encounter, I made a list of rules and terms that I'd want. I wanted them to be fair but firm, so he isn't crossing any boundaries any time soon. I went to the notes app on my phone and laid it out on the table for him to see.

He leaned over twisting it to face his direction. His eyes scanned the screen and he nodded his head as he read them aloud.

"1. Space when not in public. 2. No kissing 3. No breaching the contract/taking back the deal. 4. No..."

Feelings. His voice trailed off as he read the last rule. Just because I agreed to this doesn't mean I forgot what could happen. That moment last night, before he asked me, made me realize the potential of..something occurring. And I'm not putting myself in the same situation again.

"Well, I don't think these will be a problem to follow," West fixed his posture and crossed his legs. "And if you're concerned about the last one--"

I cut him off before he got the chance to make a fool of himself. "I'm not concerned. I'm just letting you know where we stand. I want you aware that if you end up broken-hearted, it's not my fault. Just a lack of emotional control."

I gave him a polite smile and took my phone off the table and stuffed it back into my purse.

A dark eyebrow slowly lifted while his jaw tightened. "Really?" He didn't show it, but I could tell he was scoffing inside his head.

I nodded as our waiter came to take our orders. I ordered a small blueberry tea and West asked for coffee with so many add-ons, I lost count. Living in the Big Apple changed his tastes. As the waiter walked away, West proposed his terms.

"Well since we went over your ground rules, I have a few of my own." So much for 'you can make the rules'. I got comfortable in my seat and waited for him to go on.

"We have to support one another in outside events so no questions are asked, as I said last night make it look believable, have a few dates, and don't get involved with other people."

"Don't get involved with other people? As in I can't see someone else instead of you?"

"Precisely. How do you think people would take it if you went on a date with me, and then was out hanging with another guy the next day?"

I knew what he meant and where he was coming from but I wanted to hear the rest. "But what if I really like him?"

He sighed and shrugged. "I suggest you wait."

He's serious. There wasn't a crack of humor on his face. I hope he can take his own advice.

"I suppose you'll do the same correct?" I thanked the waiter when he came back with our beverages and slowly sipped my tea. He twisted the white coffee cup around in his hands for a minute and shook his head yes.

After a while, we came up with a story of how we fell in love (we'd been doing long distance and finally made it official and when he came back it was a complete surprise), and caught up with each other's likes and dislikes.

If someone asked me what his favorite color was a year ago, I'd look like a fool. But now as his "girlfriend", his favorite food is sushi, he likes the color sea green, listens to blues and his "favorite" thing about me is my smile. How dear. The plan seemed all set.

As we finished our drinks, paid and headed into the cool breeze outside, I had one more question."When do we officially start this anyway?"

He cleared his throat and looked away.

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