His anger

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At night, Sita was chatting with Anika when her door was opened. She immediately stood up from the bed. It was none other than her husband Veer.

" Ji Veer Ji, do you want something?"
" Why do I need to come to your room to call you at the dinner table?"
" Veer Ji, I'm sorry... actually... in dinner, they made meat today...."
" SHUT UP! Then why didn't you inform them before?"

Sita shuddered. She was unable to speak. Her eyes were getting teary.

" Answer me!" His eyes got darkened.
" I... I didn't think that I had the right."
" Fuck off! Fast yourself. I don't care!"

He left the room, shutting the door behind him, which made a loud sound, making Sita shiver.

" Calm down, Sita.... he just has anger issues. You saw people like this before." Sita told herself.

She was sitting near the windows while looking outside. There were plenty of stars but not like Rishikesh. Suddenly, she felt someone's presence behind her. She slowly looked back and saw Veer, who was again drunk that the smell of alcohol was making Sita sick.

" Veer Ji..."
" Shh, don't speak. You irritate me... do you think you'll be safe because Dadi is here? No, my dear, our rooms are soundproof, and even if it wasn't, the noises can't reach Dadi's ears."
" Veer Ji, I'm sorry. I won't make any mistakes again."
" Did I tell you to speak yet?"

Sita was so scared. She shook her head as 'no'. He hovered a little over her, and the smell of alcohol was hitting her with everything he was breathing.

" I like the fear in your eyes, I like it."

He smirked and gently held her chin up.

"You've got a beautiful face, but I want to... I want to..." He couldn't finish his sentence and fell on Sita's body.
" Veer Ji! Veer Ji, what happened?"

Sita was worried for her husband. But he was breathing normally. Then she noticed that he had just fallen asleep. But he was too masculine to carry for Sita. She tried to put his back on the bed. Finally, after 4 minutes of struggling, she succeeded. She looked at Veer's sleeping body.

" You're not a Ravan, Veer Ji. It's just that you're trying to be one."

Sita caressed his head, and his face looked like a baby's. Sita smiled, and he was sleeping so soundly.

" I will try to stop you from being a Ravan, Veer Ji. It's my 8th promise."


Veer woke up and found himself in Sita's bedroom. He looked at Sita, who was sitting on the floor while her head was resting on the bedside. She was still sleeping. Veer looked at her face and felt a tuck on his heart. Her red bangles, sindoor, and the mangal sutra were suiting her more than anyone. He kept looking at her until her eyes flickered.
He put back his cold face mask again.

" Oh, Veer Ji, you are awake..."
" How come I was sleeping here?"
" You... came last night being drunk... and fell asleep here."

He didn't say anything and left. Sita was fixing the bed covers, which smelled like a mixture of alcohol and some jasmine. She remembered how he fell on her last night. She couldn't help but smile.

Later, she went downstairs and saw Dadi Ji was doing puja. She went there.

" Sita beti, do you know how to sing?"
" Yes, Dadi Ji... a little bit."
" Then please sing a Bhajan."

Sita smiled and did a small pranam. Then started singing "Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram, Patita pavan Sita Ram..." Sunidhi was so impressed by her voice. Even the cooks and maids also came there. And surprisingly, Veer's Dobermans, too.

Veer came down after a while. After seeing him, the cooks and the maids left. He stood in front of the temple for the first time.

" Veer beta!" Sunidhi was so surprised.

Sita looked back and saw Veer was standing in a black shirt and black pants. He was looking so handsome.

" I was just looking for Zack and Max."
( his two Dobermans. )

" What are you two doing here? Go back upstairs. " He ordered, and they followed.

Sita went to him with the Arti ki thali, and Sunidhi face-palmed herself.

" What's this?"
" Arti ki thali," Sita replied.
" Why did you bring it to me?"
" So that..."
" You thought you'd try to show me how kind and good you are? Nice try, but it doesn't work here, lady."

He walked out. Sita sighed and went back to the temple.

Later, he came home while being frustrated and angry. Everyone was already trying to avoid him in that situation, even Sunidhi, too. He went upstairs and broke the flower vase cause it was in front of him. Sita came running to see what was wrong.

" What happened, Veer Ji?"
" Fuck off!!"

He kicked the tool, too. And it fell. Sita flinched.

" Veer Ji, calm down... you'll hurt yourself only."

He held her hand and took her inside his room. Then, locked the door.

" Do you think as you're a fucking psychiatrist, you know everything, huh?!"
" I was just..."
" Shut up! Shut up, or you'll face the most cruel me ever!"

Sita stayed silent and looked at the anger on Veer's face. She went to her room and brought a notebook and gave it to him.

" What?!" He yelled.
" Rip the pages one by one."
" AM I a KID?!"
" Trust me, Veer Ji. It will help you to remove this anger."

He threw the notebook and pushed her on the bed. Then he hovered over her.

" I could rip you off right here! And you could say nothing to me. But I won't do that yet. If you want your good. Leave!"

She got up and left. He locked the door again and screamed. Then he sat down, and after a minute, his eyes stopped on that notebook. He took that and saw the cover. Sita's name was written beautifully. He opened the first page and ripped that off brutally. Then, the second page. Like this, he ripped every single page of that notebook. When he was about to rip the cover off, something stopped him. He couldn't rip it off. Instead, he threw that inside his drawer.

He was feeling a little well by then.....

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try not to bore you.

See you in the next chapter.....

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