Chapter 2: Puppy!

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The afternoon sun slanted through the dusty windows of Drake and Kurome's apartment, casting long shadows across the mismatched furniture. Drake, sporting a flour-dusted apron from his latest pancake escapade, sprawled on the couch, flipping through the pages of a dog adoption magazine.

"Look at this little fella," he cooed, pointing at a picture of a scruffy terrier mix with oversized ears. "He's got your fighting spirit, Kurome."

Kurome, perched on the armrest, raised an eyebrow. "He looks more like a walking dust mop with soulful eyes."

Drake chuckled. "Exactly! He needs a good home, and we need a furry shadow to chase away Amanda's ghost."

Amanda, who had been perched on the ceiling fan like a spectral gargoyle, scoffed. "As if a dog could scare me. I've seen scarier lint balls."

Ignoring his ghostly mother, Drake continued flipping through the magazine. "What about this one? A poodle mix with a fabulous mane. You could braid its hair, Kurome."

Kurome snorted. "The last thing I need is a high-maintenance canine diva judging my swordsmanship skills."

Amanda snickered. "Besides, wouldn't a dog just be another mouth to feed? And another source of collateral damage for Drake's 'culinary adventures'?"

Drake shot her a mock glare. "Hey, my pancakes are getting better! And a dog would be good for our health. We could take it for walks in City Park, get some exercise."

Kurome considered this. "Hmm, maybe a dog wouldn't be so bad. As long as it's not some yapping Chihuahua that thinks it owns the place."

Suddenly, a thump from the hallway was followed by a frantic scratching at the door. Drake and Kurome exchanged surprised glances.

"Did you order takeout?" Amanda quipped, her spectral form shimmering with amusement.

Kurome cautiously opened the door, revealing a sight that made her heart melt. A small, fluffy ball of white fur, no bigger than a teacup, stood on its hind legs, batting at the doorknob with pleading eyes.

"Aww," Kurome cooed, scooping up the shivering pup. "Look at you, you little lost soul."

The puppy licked her face with a sandpapery tongue, its tail wagging furiously. Drake knelt down, offering a finger for the pup to sniff.

"He seems friendly enough," Drake said, his voice thick with affection. "And look, he already matches your PJs, Kurome."

Kurome looked down at the pup nestled in her arms, its fur the same snowy white as her favorite silk pajamas. A smile tugged at her lips.

"Alright, Amanda," she said, her gaze fixed on the spectral figure hovering above them. "Looks like we've got ourselves a new roommate."

Amanda, for the first time, seemed speechless. The puppy, sensing an opportunity, let out a tiny bark, as if to punctuate Kurome's statement.

With a sigh, Amanda conceded defeat. "Fine," she grumbled, her spectral form flickering slightly. "But if he chews on my favorite books, I'm haunting him. And you, Drake, if you feed him burnt offerings, I'm switching your shampoo to ghost pepper extract."

Drake and Kurome laughed, the sound echoing through the sun-drenched apartment. In that moment, filled with the warmth of a new furry friend and the playful banter of a ghostly mother, they knew their lives were about to get a whole lot more chaotic, and a whole lot more fun.

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