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"I can't believe you like Dolce & Gabbana better than Versace, like what is wrong with you?" Juliet rolled her eyes at Augutus's over dramaticness, they'd gotten closer the past academic year

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"I can't believe you like Dolce & Gabbana better than Versace, like what is wrong with you?" Juliet rolled her eyes at Augutus's over dramaticness, they'd gotten closer the past academic year.

Augustus Milliard was the adopted son of the businessman Jake Milliard who owned Milliard conglomerates and his second wife and Augustus biological mother Raye Milliard.

Raye had been 21 when she'd had a one night stand with a random stranger in Vegas and ended up pregnant with Augustus, six months into her pregnancy she met Jake and they fell hopelessly in love and got married.

Jake Milliard promised his wife, that he would prevent the hate about Augustus being a baby out of wedlock to not affect his future by officially adopting him and claiming him as his own.

Now nobody knew that Augustus Milliard wasn't actually Augustus Milliard but rather Augustus born out of wedlock kid.

He'd told her this story one evening when Juliet had told him about her mom being an asshole to her. Augustus had called Cordelia a bitch and then went on to confess his birth story.

Now the duo was inseparable and Juliet had decided to hang out with the guy before Percy picked her up and she was off to her time in camp half blood. It was Friday before winter break and the cold was seeping in.

Juliet still had her suspicions about Augustus though, sometimes he acted so demigodly that he made her question everything but then he was back to normal. Besides Augustus didn't look like he'd ever encountered a monster or was clear sighted, he just knew how to read ancient greek and was bad at reading. And had some incredibly suspicious tricks up his sleeve all the time.

"Gus, it's about the collection, did you see what Versace had for their fall show. That actually hurt my eyes."

Augustus scoffed, "Of course, I didn't see the fall show. I have zero clue about fashion I'm just bickering because I like getting on your nerves."

Juliet stared at him with a blank for a second before throwing her ice cream scoop in his direction. He dodged it but  his shirt was stained. It was freezing cold outside, but Augustus had still insisted on ice cream and Juliet had obliged.

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