4. Unexpected Gain

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It has been five days since the mutation. So far, five small teams already entered the mall. The teams are not yet organized, perhaps they're just group of survivors who got together to ensure a safer collection.

I wasn't paying much attention to them at all, because since yesterday I unfortunately caught fever all of a sudden.

Is this new body too fragile? That...I do not know. But I know I've been burning so high for a while now. Luckily I already stocked up on food and medicine. Water is also indispensable in this situation.

It took me another day of suffering before the fever finally subsided. Heaving a sigh of relief, I slowly entered the bathroom to clean myself. I'm all sticky because of sweat and dirt accumulated.

While bathing seriously, the soap shockingly disappeared from my grasp. I was dumbfounded for a second when an unbelievable thought crossed my mind.

Closing my eyes tightly, I tried to feel any foreign energy in my body, when my consciousness was pulled into a separate space.

No way...

The first thought I got upon seeing the situation.

A vast grass land without air nor sun greeted me. Checking through consciousness, I confirmed that it's as big as four football fields.

An uncontrollable joy bloomed on her beautiful face, washing all the gloom of yesterday's misery.

Yes. How could I forgot, that the ability awakening process includes fever, and after that, one by one, the surviving humans will undergo earth shattering changes.

They'll first discover their beast characteristics, followed by sharpened perception and incredible strength, then finally, ability awakening.

It's a step by step procedure that will take place within one month time frame. The earlier these developments appear, the stronger the transformation will be.

The protagonists all completed the process after just two weeks. That is, with the help of both heroine's and hero's halo.

And now just after five days, Alva unexpectedly awakened her heaven defying ability. Who wouldn't jump of joy?

But before that,.. Alva ran outside and opened the refrigerator quietly.

Throwing a block of ice in space, she waited patiently. 1 hour, 2 hours...5 hours. She finally concluded that the space is static.

Alva heaved a sigh of relief.

She could start collecting materials tonight.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, just after the sixth group left with their backpacks full, Alva silently sneak to the supermarket. Her first target is none other than the supermarket's warehouses and freezers.

At the innermost part of the supermarket, there's an inconspicuous door hidden at the back of the counter wall.

Unfortunately, the door is locked tightly. Alva, a novice robber, pulled out some tools she got from the all home's store and started rudely cutting the lock.

With her improved strength and perseverance, the door finally opened after three hours of nonstop trial and error. By now her arms are already aching and shaking uncontrollably, but after seeing a big warehouse full of goods to the brim, all the pain magically forgotten.

She started collecting the supplies one by one, not missing even just a tiny material. She separated food and daily necessities, from the other boxes of materials. Though these boxes of materials are not needed now, she still stored them in since all kinds of materials are all nonrenewable, since five days ago.

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