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Chapter one

"The summer when it all started."

It was early in the morning and the sun was shining into the small room in an apartment in Roseda, where there was clothes everywhere and a few empty beer cans on the floor by the bed, as a teenage boy with blonde hair lied shirtless face first into his pillow, where a half drank beer lied on the bedside table next to him along with a lighter and a blunt with his alarm clock right next to it, where he was having the same dream he had every night of him kicking Kyler's ass and embarrassing him in front of the whole school where Sam LaRusso finally notices him, although the one thing about the dream, is that every time he got even close enough to kissing her, his alarm went off.

And today's morning was no different as it began blaring, making him groan "seriously? I can't even get the girl in my dreams?" he asked, reaching his hand out and slamming it down on his alarm as he huffed, laying his head back on his pillow.

Having gotten out of bed, Jackson had changed as he walked out into the living room, hearing the same sounds he heard every morning of his dad's favorite movie "you missed breakfast." his dad told him, as Jackson huffed "yeah, well when school's back in session I'll be back to eating breakfast but for now I'll pass." he told him, walking over to the garbage can and tossing all his empty beer bottles into it as he then tied it up, the sound of the movie was turned off as his dad walked in the kitchen putting his plate in the sink, as the two then turned heading out of the house, his dad grabbed his toolbox on the way out and shut the door behind them, locking it while Jackson began heading over to the dumpster.

Neither paying attention to the boy who was walking up to them at a very fast pace "hey, I'm Miguel. My family and I just moved into 109." Miguel shared, as Jackson and his dad slightly turned to him, Jackson began walking backwards looking at the boy who seemed to be about his age while his dad turned back around "great more immigrants." he said, as Jackson chuckled "what he means to say is welcome to the neighborhood." he told him "no, I meant what I said." his dad told him, and as he did, Jackson looked to him, knowing fully well he meant what he said as he then looked back to Miguel "what's up, dude?" he asked.

"I was just wondering if you were having any trouble with your water pressure, cause I know our sinks being a little weird right now and.." Miguel shared, as Jackson opened the dumpster while his dad walked to his car "oh, bottles go in the blue bins." Miguel told Jackson as he dropped the bag inside, Jackson then turned to him, putting his hands on his shoulders "look, dude, newsflash, the only person who cares more about recycling then you is the popular girl at school who buys weed from me and if you keep running your mouth like that someone's gonna kick the shit out of you and my nerd safety patrol is already up here.." he told him, holding one hand up above their heads.

"okay?" he asked, as his dad then honked the horn "Jax, I'm gonna leave without you!" he yelled and when he did, Jackson began backing away from Miguel, holding his hands up "look dude, this place is a shit hole! The pipes don't work! Fountains full of god who knows piss! And if you know what's good for you, you'll keep your head down!" he voiced, turning around and walking around the car and as he did, he looked at his motorcycle that was next to it, as he opened the passenger side door and got in, where before he could even buckle in, his dad began driving off, putting the radio on full blast as nothin but a good time by poison started playing.

And when the two came to a stop sign, Jackson looked off to the left and when he did, there was a LaRusso auto billboard "you've gotta be kidding me. Not another one." his dad said, as Jackson scoffed "I swear wherever you drive around here his face is plastered on it!" he voiced, putting his sunglasses on at the same time as his dad, as the light turned green and he began driving off again, heading left down the next road.

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