Chapter 01 - It's a typical Tuesday night

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Six years later


Quinn's stress was visible and I couldn't hold my laughter. Jack was telling everybody on the table about his tricycle phase and how he still had it. I knew it was supposed to be funny but, knowing he had kept it for his future child, I couldn't help but think it was the sweetest thing too. Luke was by my side and I rested my head on his shoulder. He sighed and rested his head on top of mine.

"You know," he started. "I'm nervous about starting uni"

"Really?" I didn't try to hide my surprise. He's going to start at the same college as I am majoring in English. "You're such a hardworking and smart guy. You'll be okay"

"You really think that?" he giggled.

"I know it for a fact" I assured him. Suddenly, I noticed how quiet the conversation on the table had become. Looking around, I see Quinn is now talking about when we used to play tea parties and Jack is now silent. It's noticeable to me that he's a bit upset, even pouting a little. Now I can't help but wonder what happened for him to become so quiet all of a sudden.

After everyone is done, I follow Jack to the back yard, the treehouse his uncle built for Lukey but it ended up becoming our HQ. We sit and look at the stars. It's quite warm for winter but I shiver anyways. He takes off his sweater and hands it to me. I gladly take it, feeling his cologne, the same since he was 14. We keep quiet, something we're used to. We hear the back door opening and it's Luke.

"Lukey!" I smile and he looks at us.

"I knew you two would be here" he says by the door, still inside the house. "Mom is calling, she's pouring some glasses of wine for everybody"

"We're coming, just a sec" Jack says and I look at him. I can hear the door closing.


"Since when do you call my brother Lukey?" he mocks me. I feel my cheeks warming up.

"Oh, stop being such a kid. We see each other almost everyday at uni and he asked for advice" my voice is a bit high. "Everybody calls him Lukey..." I pout.

"Well, you never did" he gets up and I sigh, following him.

The next day the teacher dismissed the class earlier than usual. I was walking to the bus station when I bumped into Luke.

"Hey!" he hugged me. "You're going home?"

"No, I'm actually going to buy a coffee and buy a book I'm needing" we walked side by side.

"I need to buy some books too," he said and grabbed my shoulder gently, stopping me. "Want to go with me? I'll drive you home later, of course."

"I would never decline a ride home" I adjust my backpack.

"I just need to talk to my coach first. It'll be very quick, I promise"

"It's fine, I have time"

We went to the Devils' practice and he immediately went to the locker room. The guys waved at me when they saw me by the stands. I could see Jack but he was focused, his back in my direction. Luke came out of the locker room with their coach and they seem to be having a heated argument. I waited patiently, sipping the coffee I had bought from a machine. I was wearing Jack's sweatshirt, the one he lent me that night and I forgot to give him back. This happens quite a lot, so he just stopped complaining a few years ago and gets his things back when he goes to my apartment or my parents' house. I always loved to wear his clothes, they're so comfy and smell like home. They comfort me when I'm feeling down or having a bad day.

"Daydreaming?" Holtz tickles me and I laugh. "Long time no see, my favorite honorary Hughes"

"Can't you let that die?" I sniffle and he hugs me, taking my feet off the ground.

"Never" he puts me down. "You're so busy becoming the best teacher the world will ever know that you don't have time to visit your idiot friends?" he punched my arm. "You know, other idiots, besides Jack"

"Ouch" I massaged where he punched. "You're actually correct. I am too busy studying. But I think I will be able to come see you guys more times after this week"

"My luck" he hugged me again. Luke approached us and they shook hands. I could feel something burning behind my back then I turned around to find Jack staring right into my soul. I waved but he just skated away. What a little bitch.

"C'mon," Luke puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me. "Let's buy some books"

I didn't find the book I needed but I helped Luke to choose the best ones for him. We had ice cream and he left me at my apartment. I was cooking some decent dinner for myself (after a long time) when I received a video call from Jack.

"What were you doing with Luke?"

"Woah, good afternoon, sir" I stirred the pot. "Why do you care? You ignored me"

"You and Holtz are best friends now or what?"

"Oh my God" I let the spoon go with a loud sound. "You are unbelievably annoying, did you know that?"

"Anyways" his voice cracked a bit and I smiled. I always thought his voice cracks to be endearingly funny. "You weren't coming to the practices anymore. I just got curious"

"We went to buy some books and stopped by" I turned off the stove and put the lid on the pot. "Why did you ignore me though?"

"I didn't ignore you..." he almost whispered and I barely made out what he said. "I didn't see you waving"

"Yeah" I decided not to make a big deal out of something so small. I was tired and hungry. "I gotta eat so I can do some paperwork before I study for a test" I got closer to the screen and I could see he was shirtless, laying on his bed. "This is gonna be a long night"

"I miss talking to you" he sounded so annoyed, it made me laugh.

"Good night, Jack" I ended the call and stared at the phone for a while. I missed him too. And we saw each other last night but it was so quick and we were surrounded with our families. I miss being just the two of us against the world.

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