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Bakugou had his eyes closed, his feet on top of his desk and Iida saw it but didn't dare to scold him, his hands being in his pocket, and that necktie that he refuses to wear was left at his home.

A couple days had already passed and Y/n wasn't really lingering anymore, though, when he comes home, she follows him occasionally – like there was a string connecting them both that she can't help but get wrapped around to.

"This is bullshit," Bakugou muttered, looking at Yamada who was in the middle of teaching. He just stood up then walked away, catching everyone's attention and making the older man stunned, but didn't dare to argue.

All felt heavy for him. The guilt. It wouldn't stop.

The rooftop door suddenly opened which made Y/n turn her head as she sat on the edge and saw Bakugou nearing towards her. "Hey"

"Katsuki, aren't you supposed to be in class at this time?" She asked. "You've skipped so many lessons, at this point, you'll probably get held back a grade"

"I don't fucking care about that, not anymore.." Bakugou said, looking at the ground where Y/n was looking at. "This is where I pushed you, where I watched you die. I can't even be myself anymore now that you're gone. If I can get the chance, I would try to lower my damn pride and understand you more.. If it meant that you would still be here"

"W-what.. What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for killing you, I'm sorry for feeling so good knowing that you were gone," Bakugou then climbed the fence which made Y/n's eyes widen and tried to stop him, as expected she couldn't do anything.

"Hey! Hey! Katsuki!! If this is what I'm thinking, don't do it!! I'm telling you, you don't need to do this!!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes welling up with tears, but he just looked at her and the ground below blankly.

"I can't take this stupid guilt anymore. Maybe, me being gone, is the fucking thing that will make you move on."

"No! No! No!! Katsuki!! You've got it all wrong!! Just talk to me!! And please, get down!! It's dangerous!!"

"It's all my fault.. not yours," Bakugou deeply sighed, looking at her with a bittersweet smile on his face. "I really loved you, you know that?"

Y/n gasped, watching his body fall limp. Her hand tried to reach out to him with all her might, knowing that she can't do anything, but just a tiny hope was all she needed. Maybe, maybe they could make things right once again without all of this happening.

Pool of blood surrounded the body of the ash-blonde. Bakugou sighed deeply, seeing his face be the one to get damaged by the fall, maybe that's a good thing so nobody can see what a miserable person he is.

'That's me, I'm dead now'

"Katsuki!!" Y/n called out, suddenly appearing beside him and held him tight. He can just stay silent as he caresses her back, trying to make her stop crying. "Y-you.. why did you even do that? You're such an idiot.. you still have so much to live for"

"And you know that I can't do that, so can you move on now?"

"No. But, I-I can touch you now.. I'm so happy! My plan fucking worked!!"


"I thought you already got it, Katsuki. I was waiting for you to die all this time!! You're so stupid!!" Y/n laughed hysterically, slapping his arm and Bakugou could only stare at her as his breathing started to become rapid.

"Fuck no... fuck no!!"

"Fuck yes!! You did not know how much I suffered as a ghost, I-I'm alone, you know that? So, I filled you with the guilt of me being dead, then you went ahead and killed yourself, turning you into someone like me. You really are a murderer – you killed me, then went ahead and killed yourself. I really thought that I need to wait until your hair starts turning gray, but turns out, I don't need to do that anymore, since you already did the favor to yourself."

"You tricked me!!" Bakugou yelled, gritting his teeth but the girl just frowned as she crossed her arms.

"Don't use that word, I didn't do anything. I'm just.. here. You did those things to yourself. If you're getting haunted by something so utterly fucking stupid, then your bullshit shouldn't have killed me in the first place."

"You damn motherfucker!!" His hands then went on her neck, gripping it slightly. "You fucking bitch!! All those things.. all of that is just so you can turn me into this?!" Bakugou scoffed.

"You sound like you're blaming me. Like I said, you're the one who killed yourself, I didn't ask you to do that," Y/n smiled widely, her hands holding his wrists and looking up to him. "We really are meant to be, we're together now once again!"

"And I'll just kill you over and over and over again."

"Then I'll watch you jump for your body to hit the ground, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!"

Bakugou's body could only tremble with her words. Y/n really was insane, but that's not what he cared about. What haunted him is that he cannot break up with her, no matter the odds, even after his death.

Now, he will feel lonely but never alone.

Bakugou Katsuki will always be with her, for all of eternity.

Thanks for reading "Haunted"

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