2. Security checks

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"But Your Grace. Everything is fine here. We don't have to waste our time scouting this place." General Veerprathap informed the prince. The group was all ready to start their journey back to the capital after a day rest when their prince called them and informed that they will be staying here longer and make sure there are no threats to the North.

"What if something goes wrong? Are we going to come here all the way from the capital again? Its better to stay here few more days and check the area." Avyukt commanded.

The general looked at him as if he had grown another head. They were just using this route to go back to north after stabilizing their power in the newly conquered region. This route was in middle of nowhere, in a territory out of their border, and this prince wanted a security check here?

"We don't need so many people here. Send some people back to north. I and you can stay here." Avyukt said as he looked at the path ahead. There must be a river somewhere nearby, and Manasa's grandparents lived on the opposite side of the river.

"Let's stop here. The last five rows can report back in the capital. Rest all will stay here until my next command." Avyukt declared and soon most of the soldiers cleared the area, traveling back to North. Only the prince, the general and four more soldiers stayed back.

"Your Grace. We can't roam in a foreign land with no protection. We should leave too" The general tried to convince Avyukt, but he was busy thinking about ways to meet and impress his future wife.

"Tch.. Just start arranging the camp. I will go and do security checks. No will follow me." saying this, the young prince galloped his horse to the river side.

The general was taken aback by Avyukt's behavior. The prince was never this careless before. And he seemed to be lost somewhere since morning. The general shook his head and ordered to arrange the camp.


"Should I swim?" Avyukt thought as he looked at the river. There was no boat visible anywhere. How was he supposed to cross the river? And it was also getting dark.

He first tied his black horse to a nearby tree and started walking along the bank. He was just reborn. What if some snake or crocodile attacked him while he was swimming?

Avyukt was rubbing his chin with his right hand while his left hand was on his waist, contemplating if he should ask his soldiers to build a bridge here when he heard a loud voice directed at him.

"Oh Anna. Nadhi daatala?" (Oh Brother. Do you want to cross the river?)

Avyukt snapped his head to the source of the voice and saw that a man was rowing a boat towards him. There was a passenger in the boat, and it seemed like they would get off here.

"Avunu" (Yes) Avyukt shouted back in telugu. He thanked all the gods and his stars for getting this boat here. He didn't show it on his face, but only he knew how his heart was craving to get a glimpse of Manasa. It was thirsty for her.

As the boat neared, Avyukt noticed that the passenger was a woman. She was covering her head with a brown shawl and holding a basket on her lap. He still couldn't make out her face because of the dark.

Finally the boat came to a halt and Avyukt's breathe stuck in his throat when he saw the woman's eyes. His heart bet wildly in his chest, his hands shock slightly, and the rims of his eyes turned red.

Though the girl's face was still covered with the cloth, her eyes couldn't be anymore similar. Dove eyes, pure and innocent, with a hint of mischief and curiosity, like black moon shining in the white clouds. 

"Manasa" Avyukt whispered, mesmerized and spellbound.

The girl stood up with the basket and tried to step onto the land, but the boat was wobbly and she feared she might fell into water.

Manasa was still trying to balance herself when a large hand appeared in front of her. She raised her eyes to look at the young man. 

Avyukt felt nervous under her gaze. He knew Manasa never had a chance to fall in love with him, he was always away. He felt he should have atleast taken a bath before appearing in front of her. He must be smelling because of roaming along with those sweating soldiers all day and night.

Manasa hesitated for a second before placing her small hand into the large one and got down from the boat. She didn't expect someone to be here today. This place would be usually empty.

Avyukt was still trying to find a good hello sentence when Manasa pulled out her hand from his grip, conveyed her thanks, and hurried onto a mud path which he didn't know was there.

"Anna.. Vastunnara?" (Brother. . Are you coming?) The boat man asked, snapping Avyukt out of his daze. Avyukt blinked his eyes to stabilize his emotions. He didn't know, but he had goosebumps on his arms. He had spent twenty years of his life thinking about Manasa, and today he finally saw her.

"No.." He said and was about to follow Manasa but suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Anna... Ikkade aagu. Nen vachestaanu" (Brother. Wait here. I will come.) Avyukt said and ran towards his horse as fast as he could. Getting onto his horse, he immediately made his way to the camp.

"General.. General.." Avyukt shouted as he barged into the tent of the general who was racking his brain as to why they were staying here while drinking alcohol.

"Your Grace?"

"Remove these tents. And.. And hide the horses.. And then climb onto trees and keep quite." Avyukt ordered, making the general spurt out his drink. Did this prince even know how long it took for them to do this setup here while he went out for his nature tour?

"Quick. Start moving. And where is the money chest? Give me few few gold coins valid here. Fast.." Avyukt almost shouted. He didn't want Manasa to come here and find there little cozy settlement.

The pitiful soldiers outside started dismantling the tents. Everyone wondered what happened to their stoic prince who rarely showed any emotions on his face. It was no secret that the second prince, Avyukt was power hungry, cruel, and shrewd. But today was the first time when they saw so many emotions dancing in his eyes.

"My prince, are you okay? Are we under attack? Why are you in such a hurry?" The general asked, alerted by the kings command. Was the prince asking to dismantle the tents to hide from enemies?

Avyukt started digging into the chest and searched for the gold coins accepted in South. After taking a couple of gold and silver coins, he got up and put them carefully in a small cotton pouch and secured it around his waist.

"Don't test my patience General. Stop idling and clean up this place. Get onto the trees. No one should know that you are here. I will come later to meet you." Avyukt went out of the tent and gave a satisfactory hum looking at the almost empty place.

"Where are you going your grace?" The general asked. He looked like he was about to cry because of the prince's antics.

"Security checks" and Avyukt left with his horse again.

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