Chapter Four

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I sit uncomfortably in the passenger seat of the blue challenger as the smell of weed, alcohol and cologne fills my nose..

"What you told them detectives?" The murderer asks me while keeping his eyes on the road.

He sparks a blunt, taking a puff causing smoke to fill the car.

I begin to cough "I didn't tell them anything"

He chuckles as if that was a joke..

"My people saw you and some lady talking to the detectives for about an hour, forty-five minutes and three seconds to be exact and you expect me to believe you didn't tell them anything ?" He questions blowing smoke into my face.

I fan it away "That lady is my mom and it took so long because the detectives were trying to force me to say I saw something more but I stuck with my story. I saw a black car. That's it, that's all. I want nothing to do with any of this"

He shakes his head.. "Martinez mexican ass always trying to force somebody to testify on a nigga"

There's a moment of silence...

"Where are we going?" I look out of the window trying to decipher where we are.

"I have to go to school" I tell him in a panic.

My mom is going to kill me if he doesn't..

"School?" He asks in shock "How old are you?"

"I just turned seventeen" I cross my arms.

"You a baby" He coughs from puffing on his weed.

"That's too bad 'cause you fine as hell, lil chocolate ass" He continues, causing me to smile a little but I instantly stop myself.

He's a murderer.

"How old are you?" I question.

"I'm twenty four" He answers.

"Oh" I respond.

"and your name?" I ask.

"Why, so you can turn me in to the feds?" He asks in kind of a joking tone causing me to laugh a little.

"If I wanted to do that I could've did it already" I roll my eyes.

He nods "True"

"I go by Fats" He tells me.


"I mean you are heavy set but fat is crazy" I say causing him to laugh.

"It's a nickname my family gave me. I lost a lot of weight but I use to be fat" He explains.

I nod

There's another moment of silence..

I furrow my eyebrows "Aren't you going to ask my name?"

"I already know your name, Autumn" He says causing my eyes to widen..

"I run these streets. I can find out anything if I want to know it" He shrugs

"Wow" I reply


"Class dismissed" My sixth period teacher Mrs. Hedger says after the bell rings.

Everyone takes off, leaving the class..

"Autumn" Lashay yells from behind me as I exit the school.

"Yes?" I ask when she finally catches up to me.

Before she can speak someone in the parking lot repeatedly honks their car horn...

Looking in the direction of the horn I see a blue challenger.

I know that's not who I think it is..

"That's a nice car" Lashay exclaims as the window rolls down revealing Fats.

"Autumn!" Fats yells causing everyone to look at me.

I blush nervously..

"You know him?" Lashay looks at me in shock.

"Not really" I reply.

"Autumn Lee" Fats yells again adding my last name this time.

I palm my face before walking towards his car with Lashay on my trail.

"Get in" Fats demands.

"But I-" He cuts me off.

"Get in"

I reluctantly get into the car.

"Can my cousin come?" I ask.

He nods and Lashay wastes no time getting in the backseat.

We pull out of the school parking lot..

"Why do you keep forcing me to get into your car?" I ask confused.

I mean we already discussed the fact that I didn't tell the detectives anything so what more does he want?

"Forcing you?" He raises both of his eyebrows.

"I ain't put a gun to your head" He chuckles causing me to roll my eyes.

"So where are you taking me?" I change the subject.

"To your house. Unless you want to go get something to eat before I drop you off or something " He replies nonchalantly.

"I want something to eat" Lashay tells him.

"So you picked me up to take me home?" I question still not understanding..

"Yeah, you too cute to be on the city bus" He says making me blush, good thing I'm dark skin so he can't see it.

"You do know I'm seventeen right?" I ask, refreshing his memory.

"I know, I ain't trying to have sex with you or nothing. I just want to be your friend"

I nod still confused on why he wants to be my friend...

"What you want to eat?" He looks at me even though Lashay is the one that said she was hungry.

I make eye contact with him for a few seconds giving me butterfly's before he puts his eyes back on the road.

"Wing stop" I reply looking out the window with a smirk....


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