Chapter 15

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"What kind of teacher gives these loads of assignment and expects it the same day? It's called an assignment for a reason."

"The word assignment is different from that of homework." Alex said.

"That's not helping. Just be quiet." Drew retorted, clearly irritable at this point.

"Mr. Chandler got rejected by his fiancee a few days ago." Kyle stated carelessly, flipping a page in a nonchalant attitude.

"Oh." Drew straightened, caught in surprise. "How did you know?"

"I heard some girls talk about it."

"When did you start listening to gossips and rumors?" Alex arched a questioning brow in his direction.

"It was unavoidable. The girls were mercilessly loud." A frown etched itself onto Kyle's brows at the thought.

"I can't believe his engagement is now broken." Drew pouted. "He was so happy when he got engaged."

"Angy, you've been quiet." Kyle observed.

"I'm done."

"What?" Drew spluttered, staring at the book in her hands in surprise.

"I am done with the assignment." She repeated, looking up at Drew from where she sat, cross-legged, on the plush carpet floor.

"Let me see it."

"No, I'm not letting you copy my work." Angy retorted, getting to her feet.

"I hadn't even said anything yet!" Drew threw his hands up in the air in exasperation.

"You didn't have to. We all know you." Kyle chuckled.

"I'm going to submit. It's almost 5." Angy raised her worksheets for emphasis. Mr. Chandler had made it clear in a not so subtle way that the deadline was 5 Pm.

"We still have twenty minutes left." Drew argued. Anything to get his hands off these worksheets as soon as possible.

"I can't afford to wait until then." She began walking to the door. "I hope you're able to submit just in time."

"I need new friends." She heard Drew mutter just before she left the boys' lounge.

Angy stifled a laugh on her way out. A small smile was inevitable at this point. She had no idea what was going on but she found herself permitting a small smile to remain plastered on her lips as she walked out of the main block. The staff rooms for teachers were located in a separate block dedicated only for the teaching staff.

Angy could see the staff building come into sight, she was just about mounting the walkway that'd lead her straight to her destination when she felt her wrist been pulled roughly, thereby dragging her whole being off her intended course. Before Angy could utter a word of confused protest, she was thrown up against a wall barely a second later. She felt the air being knocked hard out of her lungs instantly at the unexpected action the moment she collided with the stony brick wall before her small body fell back down to the paved ground with a thud. Her back hurt. Her stomach churned. Her eyes stung. She didn't even know what to do. She found herself unable to move. Not that she couldn't. It was hard to. Everything was a blur. She had no idea what was going on. One second she was heading down to the staff building and the other she was being thrown into a corner, void of the eyes of the public.

"Pull her up." She heard an all too familiar voice order in a distastefully stony voice.

In accordance to her words, she was roughly pulled up from the ground into a sitting position by her hair, she winced loudly in pain, her palms and knees scraping the concrete ground in course of the force enacted to lift her up. A hand grabbed her chin tightly, jutting it forward. Angy felt a couple of sharp nails pierce into her cheek. She was forced to open her eyes then. It took a second for everything to come in focus. This had to be a dream. Nothing could prepare Angy for the sight she was met with. Charlotte.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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