1 | Limbs

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꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷YOUR POV꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷

Another day, another year of extermination... Munching on my food and ripping their organs, feeling a hand on my shoulder I turned to see Alastor.

Slurping the intestine in one go my head snap back at Alastor then turned to him and grinned "holy shit... Alastor! An old friend" licking the blood of my lips I stood up not caring about stomping on the dead body "what brings your humble radio head to me? It's been 5 years" Alastor has a huge toothy grin as he spoke "well my dear, I was hoping if you'd like to stay in somewhere..." He has this voice like it came out the radio which is a nice detail cause of him being called the radio demon, I nodded and raised a brow my grin never fades, he continues "have you ever thought of redeeming yourself?" Alastor laughed like it dome sort of joke but it's just for a while "redemption? Oh.. now I remember is it that princess Morningstar's hotel?, what was it called again?" Titling my neck i almost snap my neck... Again.

"Ohoho... Dear, it's the Hazbin hotel I named it, pretty great right?" He added I nod my head "mhm, I have question or more like a request" Alastor nodded as I grinned my pointy teeth showing it to him "if I stayed there... will I be covered from expenses?" It's more like a joke in my lack of tone of but in surprise he nodded "yes! I'll pay your worthless stay there, so Charlie's sulking and talks about people not coming to the hotel.. stops once in for all" in his eyes he seem annoyed, Alastor's eye movement is really obvious if you read it deeply.

Thinking about it, I nodded with a grin "but in your stay... You will redeem yourself, do we have a deal...?" I blinked when he extended his hand for a shake as lights glow, my eyelids lower a little looking at like with my pure black eyes like 'you serious?' but I smiled "no Alastor I will not go, go my soul to you" Alastor laughed in his radio voice "hahaha! I forgot how smart you are dear!" he patted my head, I let out a sign and crossed my arms "and one thing" I added Alastor turned his head to me ready to listen "well are there any fleshy food in the hotel?" Alastor rolled his eyes at my question "I got that covered... (Name)" he grinned and smiled "ohhh Alastor your such a sweetie!" I chuckled, seeing Alastor turn and gesture me to follow, I put my hat back and walked beside him as my long dress touch the street floor following my every move.

Upon arriving on Rosie's office, I gave her a smile as me and Alastor entered, Rosie smile back as she left her desk to talk to us.

Rosie spoke "oh (Name)! What brings you here? Problems with your ex? Still guilty from eating them? Oh please! Have a pinky finger...!" Rosie chuckled and smiled, my head made a little shake "oh no no Rosie, I came here to sell my house I want to move out somewhere else" I admitted trying to be polite as she put the box's of pinky fingers away"thank you Rosie" I smiled and taking a finger and eat it whole, and Rosie nodded like she understands "oh, really? That's great! I wish you luck sweetie, I'll handle that, you can pack now (Name)" she giggled and went back to talk to her clients.

Alastor held his staff and teleport my belongings "there, let's not waste any more time now" my head nodded and grabbed the suitcase as Alastor and I walked out the building.

Walking at the streets of Cannibal town people are seen without a frown and eating fresh flesh with their delicate clothing is a nice view to see, Alastor soon spoke "what decides you to move in so quickly dear?" My eyes darted to him as I walk beside him "oh well... I just want to see what this 'redemption' of the princess of hell has to offer, And of course the free food" chuckling I nudge his arm, he laughed with me as we walked out the town...

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