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A bell jingles as I swing open the door of the print shop. It's unexpectedly beautiful. The pink interior is accented with green plants climbing the walls and hanging from the ceiling. Shelves full of illustrative greeting cards and stationary line the walls. The petite girl at the front counter smiles as I approach her. Her red curly hair just unruly enough to be cute. She takes a sip of her coffee, the steam fogs up her thick framed glasses. She's utterly adorable, I want to squeeze her.

"Hi, can I help you with anything," she says sweetly, her soft voice sounding over the quiet indie music coming through the speakers.

"Hi," I smile back, "I'm picking up an order. Should be under the name Amanda."

She smiles and nods before heading to the back room, I hear the shuffling of papers and boxes. A minute later she returns with a brown box in her hands. "The seating cards have been arranged into individual boxes for each table. It should make set up a bit easier." She reaches forward, placing the box on the counter in front of me.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate it," I smile before turning on my heels and walking back to my car with the box in my hands.

The office is eerily quiet, the sound of my footsteps echo though the hallway as I make my way towards Amanda's office. The room is made up of thick glass walls, complemented with sleek silver furniture and a couch so white I don't believe anyone has ever sat in it. Naturally, this means I must sit in it. I sink down into the soft cushions, the box sitting on my lap as I rest my head back and let out a deep exhale. Looking down at the box I decide to open it for no other reason than boredom and curiosity.

Rested nearly on top is a printed sheet of paper listing the table numbers and the assigned seating of on each attendee. My eyes scan the long list of names, searching for my own. Of course Mr. Hayes is seated at table 1 alongside Jackson. Eight more names are listed under table 1, four of which are females. I try to ignore the tightness in my chest that flares up as I read each of their names. Is he bringing a date? "Stop," I mutter to myself and shake my head with self deprecating thoughts.

My eyes scan the long list of names before landing on my own. Table 38. Some stupid part of me flutters with disappointment as I note the extreme distance in our tables. A stark reminder of my place in the company and in Mr. Hayes life. Maybe I needed this reality check so I can stop dreaming like a girl in a 90's romcom.

Pulling out my phone, I send Amanda a text letting her know the box is on her desk. I gently shut the door behind me as I exit her office.

The drive home is quiet. I don't move to turn on the stereo, my thoughts feel loud enough already. I think about my dress, is it nice enough? I think about my heels, are they too high? I think about my hair, what if it's frizzy? I think about how much I'm over thinking, why the fuck am I overthinking?

I pull into my parking spot, and twist the key in the ignition. I'm careful not to let the material drag on the floor as I bring my garnet bag up the stairs.

I can see my dress hanging in the corner of my room through the reflection in the mirror. I stare at it as I brush my teeth mindlessly. I gargle the cold tap water in my mouth before spitting into the sink. I splash my face with warm water and gently apply my night cream before crawling into bed, despite knowing I will get no sleep until tomorrow's party is over.


Hi everyone, sorry for the short chapter! But thank you for sticking with the book! I love you all!


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