Chapter One

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Jewellery had never been appealing to me. The expensive, delicate pieces always seemed to get in the way — rings falling off fingers and getting lost, bracelets riding up arms and becoming the greatest nuisance to exist — but I could make an exception for the necklace I had been gifted.

On the end of a light, silver chain hung an ivory orb with sigils carved into it. Each symbol was a protection charm from the darkness that seeped into our world, the dead fighting back to claim what once was theirs. A beautiful filigree of blossoming flowers surrounded it, framing the pendant as if it were a prized painting on display.

"It looks gorgeous on you, Vesper," complimented the owner of Journey's Jewels. "The other worshippers at the convent will be incredibly jealous of you."

"Thank you," I replied as I tucked the necklace underneath my blouse. Since the chain was still visible from the low, scooped neck, I pulled my brunette hair over it more to obscure it from view. White strands ran through the rich colour, reminding me of what too much light magic could cause.

At least this necklace would help with that.

"Before you go, my husband wanted to know if a few certain rumours were true." Her accent was thick with drawl — an accent that only came from the western kingdoms.

"Oh? And what rumours might these be?" I raised a brow. I could say I hadn't been expecting this, but the lie would leave a sour taste on my tongue. Anyone who entered Journey's Jewels couldn't leave without paying the toll of some recent gossip or rumour — even those whose jewellery had been a gift from another.

"The first is that you're refusing to attend this year's Harmony Ball. With your dancing skills, you're bound to be missed." A pout found its way to her thick, ruby lips. "We were looking forward to watching one of your grand displays again."

"That one is true." I sighed, shifting my weight to retie the laces on one of my boots. "Work at the convent has been too busy recently and I just haven't been able to find the time to practise or find a dress to wear."

The Kingdom of Wrosite's Harmony Ball was held every year to celebrate the peace that had been kept between all the surrounding kingdoms — all but the Floating Isles to the west, anyway. All night, mouth-watering foods would be abundant, gossip would thrive, and dancing would refuse to stop. There was a dancing competition that I almost always won, but this year would be the exception.

"Nonsense! I'm sure you need no practice at all!" When she couldn't budge on my decision, met with the steel wall of my will, she gave up. "Alright. As long as you promise you won't miss next year's one."

"You have a deal," I answered with a laugh.

"Now, this next rumour is one you might not have the answer to." Her expression faltered from its smile, a seriousness invading and taking control.

"I'll try my best."

"According to a few bounty hunters that travel between the kingdoms, there have been sightings of new, hostile animals that there are no records of. Whenever someone has attempted to investigate, worshippers of the Goddess of Life have stepped in to complete the task." The owner's long nails tapped against the counter in a rhythmic pattern. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"I wouldn't." I forced the lie out. Regular people of Wrosite weren't meant to know about their existence to stop panic from spreading like wildfire. If bounty hunters were starting to see them around the kingdom, that meant either we weren't doing a good enough job of banishing them or they were increasing in numbers more than we could manage. "I could ask about it when I get back to see if someone else does," I offered as a false compromise.

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